30 April, 2016

A beautiful person...

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others, 
for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; 
and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you 
are never alone."

Audrey Hepburn

27 April, 2016

For others...

 "This work is not for yourselves - kill that spirit of self and do
not live above your people but live with them. If you can rise.
bring someone with you"

Charlotte Maxeke

26 April, 2016

Miracles in the present moment...

"Our true home is the present moment. If we really live in the moment, our worries and hardships will disappear and we will discover life with all its miracles."

Thich Nhat Hanh

25 April, 2016

Tolle wisdom...

“When you realize it’s not personal, there is no longer 
a compulsion to react as if it were.”

Eckhart Tolle

24 April, 2016

Don't destroy that which gives you life!

"A frog does not drink up the pond in which it lives."

American Indian proverb

23 April, 2016

Internal Peace...

"Internal peace is an essential first step to achieving peace in the world. How do you cultivate it? It's very simple. In the first place by realizing clearly that all mankind is one, That human beings in every country are members of one and the same family."

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

22 April, 2016

St Augustine...

"There is something in humility 
which strangely exalts the heart." 

Saint Augustine

21 April, 2016

Lao Tzu on the way of the sage...

"The sage does not hoard. The more he helps others, 
the more he benefits himself, the more he gives to others, 
the more he gets himself. The Way of Heaven does 
one good but never does one harm. The Way of the 
sage is to act but not to compete".

Lao Tzu

20 April, 2016

When Masters leave us...

"When the masters leave, the Devas leave,
as do their retinues.
Good fortune and blessings fade
Fire and arguments come
The Asuras smile...."

Saying of the East

18 April, 2016

Mystics, Scientists and Man...

"Mystics understand the roots of the Tao but not its branches; 
scientists understand its branches but not its roots. 
Science does not need mysticism and mysticism 
does not need science; but man needs both." 

Fritjof Capra

17 April, 2016

The web of life...

"Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."

Chief Seattle, 1854

16 April, 2016

Lakota Prayer

"Wakan Tanka, 
Great Mystery,
teach me how 
to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun." 

*According to the Native People, the Sacred Space
is the space between exhalation and inhalation.
To Walk in Balance is to have Heaven (spirituality)
and Earth (physicality) in Harmony.

15 April, 2016

Je Mila...

"By realizing that all forms are self-awareness, 
I have beheld my consort's face-the true Mind Within." 

Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa

Chief Joseph, Nez Perce (1840-1904)

"We live, we die, and like the grass and trees, renew ourselves from the soft earth of the grave. Stones crumble and decay, faiths grow old and they are forgotten, but new beliefs are born. The faith of the villages is dust now... but it will grow again... like the trees."

Chief Joseph

14 April, 2016

Cree Prophecy

"When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money."

Cree Prophecy

13 April, 2016

Intention and experience...

"The more aware of your intentions and your experiences you become, the more you will be able to connect the two, and the more you will be able to create the experiences of your life consciously. This is the development of mastery. It is the creation of authentic power."

Gary Zukav

12 April, 2016

The greatest mistake...

“The greatest mistake you can make in life 
is to be continually fearing you will make one.” 

 Elbert Hubbard*

*Elbert Hubbard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Elbert Green Hubbard (June 19, 1856 – May 7, 1915) was an American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher.(See more on WIKIPEDIA: great source of knowledge)

11 April, 2016

Zen Mind

If you think, “I breathe,” the “I” is extra. There is no you to say “I.” What we call “I” is just a swinging door which moves when we inhale and when we exhale. It just moves; that is all. When your mind is pure and calm enough to follow this movement, there is nothing: no “I,” no world, no mind nor body; just a swinging door. 

Shunryu Suzuki Zen Mind
Beginners Mind

10 April, 2016

We are unique...

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. 
Just like everyone else."

Margaret Mead

08 April, 2016

Kind words...

“Kind words are the music of the world. 
They have a power which seems to be 
beyond natural causes, as if they were s
ome angel's song which had lost its way 
and come to earth.” 

Frederick William Faber

07 April, 2016

The flow of life...

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."

Lao Tzu

05 April, 2016


Subhuti asked: "If one wants to know emptiness, how should one do it?" "The one who wants to realize emptiness should adore reality, develop a skill in living in the world, and cultivate friends of the same mind. Skill can only be developed in the presence of reality, not otherwise. Endowed with skill, the person gives without the idea of a giver and lives in the realization that all the factors of existence have no ultimate substance."


03 April, 2016


"Let me tell you what we teach. When a monk sees a form with the eye, usually a feeling of liking or disliking comes into being. The monk then understands that liking or disliking has arisen but that either one is not inevitable but is conditioned and dependent on causes. So he heads for a state in which there is equanimity and finds that in so doing the liking or disliking has vanished and he sees things as they are. That is how he controls his senses. That is what we teach."

Majjhima Nikaya

01 April, 2016

