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This independent (hobby) research field explores the impact of a group mind as translated through the use of:
1) Internet reengineering and cybercrime applications/manipulation: exponential social implications
2) Global interest groups formal & informal (economic/social/political engineering)
3) Understanding "The global system".
4) Social engineering and social conditioning
CLICK: Social Conditioning
CLICK: Overton Window
What are the tick boxes of a global social conditioning project?
1) Generation of fear at the global level justified by a common threat (PROBLEM) to unite all people under the banner of a public security crisis or health protection
2) AMPLIFICATION of the message through compliant media outlets and calls for public compliance in the name of the public good.
3) Psychological tactics: divide (DIVISION) target population into those for restrictions and compliance (for/against) using media shaming techniques (PSYCHOLOGICAL SUBLIMINAL COERCION) and exploiting emotion over logic. Pitting groups against each other over ideology, gender, race, religion. Thus, idiots become heroes and leading edge thought is vilified.
4) Deflecting tactics (DIVERSION): focus on Russia, new variants, problems in other countries etc. etc. etc.
5) INVERSION: through specific social projects such as the promotion of the gender agenda, destruction of cultural symbols in the name of collectivism, the woke agenda, in short the Orwellian concept of Double think, double speak in which those with the levers of power practice one thing (they know to be incorrect), convince themselves it is correct and then modify the truth. This appears almost as a progressive/liberal trait that disguises some pretty sinister outcomes if history is to be believed.
6) COMPLIANCE: the end game!
It has to be said that one apparent key distinguishable behavioral attribute of conditioned groups/individuals is a feeling of "moral superiority" as a paradoxical direct consequence of ignorance stimuli. It is a reasonable assumption that the most influenceable groups are those with low EQ
and who are heavily dependent on institutional or organizational systems for a feeling of self worth and identification.
In fact many people claim to have read Orwell's 1984 but few have actually really understood
it and even fewer have connected the dots of what is unfolding.
Lets have a look at the key concepts found in 1984:
1) Psychological manipulation of masses
2) Manipulation to control life
(A Huxley: Animal Farm & Brave New World)
3) Control and revision of history
4) Destruction of historical cultural values (cancel culture)
5) Use of technology for control & repression
6) Manipulation and distortion of language (neo language)
7) Manipulation of sexual desire
8) Control of independence and self identity
9) Double think
10) Degradation of urban safety and security
The areas of control encompass multiple agendas::
a Food production
b Public health
c Energy
d Social values and culture
e Manufacturing
f Climate management
g Technology and AI
h Information
“The Pavlovian strategy in public relations has people conditioned more and more to ask themselves, "What do other people think?" As a result, a common delusion is created: people are incited to think what other people think, and thus public opinion may mushroom out into a mass prejudice.
Expressed in psychoanalytic terms, through daily propagandistic noise backed up by forceful verbal cues, people can more and more be forced to identify with the powerful noisemaker. Big brother's voice resounds in all the little brothers.”
Expressed in psychoanalytic terms, through daily propagandistic noise backed up by forceful verbal cues, people can more and more be forced to identify with the powerful noisemaker. Big brother's voice resounds in all the little brothers.”
Joost A.M. Meerloo
The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
All data is sourced from the public domain from different disciplines including media, personal assumptions, transnational law enforcement and relevant papers on these different topics.