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American Indian Cherokee Prayer Blessing
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit Bless
all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder."

Credit: Pexels/James Wheeler
"A rainbow tail touches the Stupa site, Kundrol
Ling, July 2012. That month we faced several challenges. But when we
saw a rainbow in front of us, we were so joyful that exhaustion was
gone. Even though a rainbow is simply a natural phenomenon, at the right
time and right moment it could give a special indication. At least, the
particular moment we see it, we feel joy and we see hope."
(A rainbow on a holy site in Hwa Hin Thailand on which a Great Stupa is being built: Visit One Tthousand Star Foundation link to this site for more details of their wonderful project.)
Practitioners are aware of the aim of achieving a Light or Rainbow body and many dedicate their entire life to pursuing the spiritual quest for liberation. For us too it is a symbol of great beauty and possibility. It appears under certain conditions, including at times in pure blue skies, manifests its awesome splendour and is then reabsorbed into its original state. We wish to contribute to creating those same conditions that allow our natural innate creative forces to be expressed. All of us live like a candle: we flicker a while and are at some point reabsorbed into our Core Essence. But whilst we have a form, like a candle, we should be assisted and encouraged to shine our light. A rainbow is for everyone to enjoy: the expression of talent likewise graces and beautifies our world. We need it more than ever.
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"My heart leaps up
When I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began,
So it is now I am a man,
So be it when I shall grow old
Or let it die!
The Child is father of the Man..."
(W. Wordsworth)
When I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began,
So it is now I am a man,
So be it when I shall grow old
Or let it die!
The Child is father of the Man..."
(W. Wordsworth)
Credit: Pexels
Submitted by Chicco from Varese, Italy May 2013
Always near, at times so far
Is where all the gurus are.
Seen and felt I share my love
In any form: the magician’s dove
We are many but we are One
I am your mother, father, son
I am you and you are me.
Know this and you’ll be free.
Clouds may come, clouds depart
Knowing me is quite an art.
Seek me not where I am not
Sing with heart, untie this knot.
Whoever seeketh is sure to find
The true secret that is Mind
Be unafraid : you must know
You will find me in a rainbow.
For the rainbow and I are one.
And above me so is the sun…
August 2013, Sukhothai
October 2013, SSNP
October 2013, SSNP
May rainbows inspire hopes of wondrous new auspicious
Always near, at times so far
Is where all the gurus are.
Seen and felt I share my love
In any form: the magician’s dove
We are many but we are One
I am your mother, father, son
I am you and you are me.
Know this and you’ll be free.
Clouds may come, clouds depart
Knowing me is quite an art.
Seek me not where I am not
Sing with heart, untie this knot.
Whoever seeketh is sure to find
The true secret that is Mind
Be unafraid : you must know
You will find me in a rainbow.
For the rainbow and I are one.
And above me so is the sun…
August 2013, Sukhothai
October 2013, SSNP
May rainbows inspire hopes of wondrous new auspicious
beginnings and always inspire and uplift gentle souls!
This Rainbow appeared shortly after the crash and death
of a loved airman Captain J. Kuss of the Blue Angels
US Navy aerobatic team on 2 June 2006 in Smayrna,
Tennessee . An expression of the great love of its
people for this team brought about a synchronistic sign.