For more information about their inspiring work please visit and sign up:
Please see results and awards below !

Recommended free online English training links:
Friendship Teachers English Boot Camp
22 - 26 OCTOBER 2018
The great survivors of the Teacher's Boot Camp!
(See photo gallery all the way down)
First day scroll from top and last day all the way down...
It was with great pleasure that I accepted a request from the education department to volunteer my time to help run an English camp for a selected group of teachers from four Sawankalok schools. These teachers were willing to give up their holiday time to practice English. Their experience ranges from less than a year to over 35 years of service and were an exceptional example of courage, determination and grit! In this camp we cover: written tenses, vocabulary check, listening, reading, speaking. and yes, we follow each one - one by one.....
I would like to express my appreciation to the Director of the Education Directorate (Area 2) Mr Prem Kamwattana, Dr Sukonrat Mingsamorn the Chief Education Supervisor, Mrs Supatit Matmungkoon the Supervisor and Miss Maneewan Homchun the PR and information officer for the support given to the group. They really care about developing the English language and put action behind their words. It is a pleasure to give you and your students my time.
I would like to express my appreciation to the Director of the Education Directorate (Area 2) Mr Prem Kamwattana, Dr Sukonrat Mingsamorn the Chief Education Supervisor, Mrs Supatit Matmungkoon the Supervisor and Miss Maneewan Homchun the PR and information officer for the support given to the group. They really care about developing the English language and put action behind their words. It is a pleasure to give you and your students my time.
with a dynamic vision for teaching English!
Mr Prem Kamwattana

And thanks to the Chief Supervisor that also
made this event possible!
Dr Sukonrat Mingsamorn
Students unsure of what to expect!
Looking a little worried!
Action clip!
But each doing their best...
A really committed group!
Which makes me a very committed teacher!
We try to cover one week!
Using every media tool available!
Listening and thinking are critical skills!
So is checking....
Team work for most fun exercises...
Students also work on translations,
reading and the focus is on
Students prepare to present...
Research phase...
Blow the victory horns!
You are all winners!
Well done for doing your best!
We saw imagination expressed in English!
And I am proud of the effort that has gone
into this work! Well done!
All age and experience ranges...
Improvements are becoming more
visible to all...
Everyone did their best!
With some outstanding results!
And delivering their best effort!
For all was a first time
presentation in English!
Incredible effort!
Getting better...
Some excellent presentations
This is not an easy process!
Teams of two... Work to deliver...
This is what day 4 looked like:
(focus on presenting and on critical thinking)
Teachers working hard on the third
Dr Sukonrat Mingsamorn
Students unsure of what to expect!
Looking a little worried!
But each doing their best...
A really committed group!
Which makes me a very committed teacher!
We try to cover one week!
Using every media tool available!
Listening and thinking are critical skills!
Everyone giving it their best!

Team work for most fun exercises...
A great effort by all!
reading and the focus is on
Students prepare to present...
Blow the victory horns!
You are all winners!
Well done for doing your best!
We saw imagination expressed in English!
And I am proud of the effort that has gone
into this work! Well done!
All age and experience ranges...
Improvements are becoming more
visible to all...
Everyone did their best!
With some outstanding results!
And delivering their best effort!
For all was a first time
presentation in English!
Incredible effort!
Getting better...
Some excellent presentations
This is not an easy process!
Teams of two... Work to deliver...
This is what day 4 looked like:
(focus on presenting and on critical thinking)
27 -2 9 JUNE 2016
Today the fun 3 day English workshop was launched by Director Manop. 30 headmasters from surrounding primary schools attended this intensive coaching with the aim of enhancing their capabilities. Director Tawatchai of the SSNP also welcomed the participants. I would like to CONGRATULATE the headmasters for an incredible response on this first day - it is not easy to adapt to my unconventional teaching style, but they did so well and displayed the true Thai grit and determination that I have always admired.
This workshop was held as a gesture of friendship with the Directorate of Education and to support their wish to enhance communication skills given the ASEAN context.
Director Manop opening the event...and I thank him
for his commitment support to the English language...
A wonderful start!And I thank Director Tawatchai for the ongoing support for
education at the SSNP!
And then: into action! Little time and a BIG task!
Following my usual impassioned style...To which everyone responded with amazing resilience.
I am proud of the effort...
And we have some talented speakers!
Coaching is casual but very intense... Students headmasters follow the same rigorous training that
all students undergo....
The focus is on every individual practicing English...
Learning is by doing and speaking...
Using the body as a tool for memory retention...
Acting out scenes and describing them is part of the fun!
Thanks for the rainbow on DAY 1 over the SSNP :-)
Today the highly pressurized leaning environment continued to demand every ounce of effort from the students. We witnessed a vast improvement in pronunciation as well as a shift towards the new speaking foundation that we are trying to establish. The effort has been outstanding: we have a range of abilities - from mostly basic to a little over intermediate. I want to make sure that we are able to establish a foundation for every individual attending this event. I am very thankful to Director Khun of Metapae School and his staff and students for the amazing support given to all those involved in this amazing session.
The teams prior to the 1 st Park Project ....Each team was given a theme to research & present!
Students working on their presentations...
And looking happy as they did so! :-)
Very very good spirit and effort!!!
OK here is my photo-op to which I consented!
Great grit and determination.
One of the main objectives of day three was to practice a hands on project utilizing the structure that we practiced. Teams were asked to assemble a model raft that had to meet several criteria. Points were awarded in respect of the completed task as well for the use of spoken English in the presentation of their project. The teams worked with enthusiasm, determination and a great spirit of fun!
Making their way with their materials to the river at SSNP...Teams begin assembling their materials...
Some of which have to be sourced...
The exercise requires planning and team work!
Not easy to build a working raft!
But these folks will have a go...
With great focus....
and an assurance that it will get done!
At first struggling a little...And the second...
And it worked...
A completed design...
A green engineering feat!
This team met the criteria fully!
Proudly displaying their design...A slight technical hitch....mainsail is dicey!
A tall masted vessel!
Which held its own well!
A very neat design....
A beautiful raft, well engineered!
And back to a grueling afternoon session!
Busy to the very end...
Amazing zeal and determination!
Intense but happy!
Student Wit...
P' Rut
With a huge smile...
Student Nut...Student Rut...
Student Som
Student NuchStudent Rit
Student Chaynnt
The only team to have received a small award for
consistent effort and results...(Juth, Bung, Mai, Tua)
A special thank you to Por Or Khun....for the faith and supportof English consistently over time....
Also a big thank you to teacher Chaloern...
...and teacher Amm !
The grand finale...a great team photo!
If you were were good!
A surprise welcome back "home" by the Hon. Dr. Pansiri Gnranatsiri (Sukhothai) as well as Director Khun, staff and my amazing students who came to greet me at Sawankalok airport.
It was the most wonderful welcome that I have ever received and the students wore their traditional ethic dress: a truly multi cultural and beautiful sight! This after a great flight with Bangkok Airways.
It was great and touching to see you all again....
Left next to banner: Obojor* Pansiri with her wonderful
daughter and Director Khun on my right
(Chief Executive Sukothai Provincial Administration)
Thank you so much for your warm welcome!
With the help of our best, closest friends and family (International/Thai) we have been able to do more in the past three months for our new students than at any other time in the student’s or school’s history.
We have held two Lampang trips, taken close to 70 people to work on “hands on” English projects and had a lot of fun.
In addition we have been able to provide new shoes and socks to 45 students from disadvantaged backgrounds and new school socks to about 90 other students. We have provided T shirts and are sponsoring 10 students that are without parents and helping their elderly guardians to pay for their school fees.
This set of students is as amazing as all the others. They have put in supreme effort and everyone is acknowledged to be going up.
I have been asked by the Education Directorate to train about 50 headmasters for a 5 day intensive English workshop. This workshop will be a volnuteer project and will be offered at no cost to the participants. We have set a date in May. The workshop will be held at the SSNP for the first group of 35.
We are planning to expand the experiences of our students: we have a new Pattalung trip planned for June and one to Bangkok later in the year.
Once again this would not be possible without the help of our Thai and US friends. The purpose is as always to raise the standard of English through applied on site projects.
We plan again to visit our provincial government hosts and later our friends at the Royal Thai Air Force museum.
After discussions with senior Park officials and Luang Poh I have agreed to teach once again on Saturday and Sunday morning in Dipsum new and (selected) ex students that have asked me to teach them from neighboring districts (Paka, Bangkeang, Tung Saliam etc).
The Sat morning will be reserved for beginners and on Sunday I will coach the more advanced students.
I will be visiting South Africa with my mom during the month of April. I plan to return to my old school and visit the most important University of Gauteng (Johannesburg).
I will upload photos on the TAB: Trip Photos 14/15/16 – for those that wish to follow me.
And tons of thanks for making such a difference.
Thiis morning I was whisked off to the the Sukhotai District Education Directorate where I was met by the Education Director Mr Manop who graciously and wamrly welcomed me. I was presented with an official certificate in recognition for the voluntary support that has seen me engaged in encouraging and supporting English Education in this area. I was deeply touched by this gesture from such a senior official and am extremely proud to have received it. I also highlighted the important role played by our sponsors without whom all of this would be more difficult and where opportunities for expanded learning would be severly limited. I also thank those Directors of the schools that endorsed this award as well everyone that has encouraged and supported me with a pure heart. I dedicate this award to you.
In front of the District Education Directorate
A wonderful surprise....
Feeling good!!!
The certificate was presented by Mr Manop
the Sukhothai district Education Director. Taken with
headmaster Khun and senior Education officials.
A wonderful and proud moment !
Mr Manop (right) and Headmaster Khun
I will never forget this great moment!
Message to all my enquiring EX students...
Your message has been heard but I am afraid that I will not return. Please know that my friends, family, sponsors and I (we) are with you.
We carry the same belief as when we started out...that you can be truly great and confident in who you are! That no matter what your status is, you can be successful in everything that you do.
We are in the sound of every instrument that we offered to you with our heart, in every T shirt, in every book or dictionary, in every piece of technology you received or used, in every cash or other prize that we awarded.
We are in every gram of food donation that supported your body, we are in the care and love that we nourished you with. We are with you in the thoughts and memories of our many teaching sessions, amazing trips and adventures, now only separated by physical form and physical distance.
We are in every new English word that you acquired.
We cannot ever be separated whether you loved us. were indifferent or despised us.
We are with every teacher and headmaster that we supported, those who showed up in times of need and those that remained in the shadows of their students and their egos.
We all wish you well....may the great spirit of your good heart prevail and may you soar like a powerful eagle forevermore...
The best of luck,,,,,

Fly higher and higher....
After some consideration and as a result of the extraordinary kindness and support of some wonderful people I have agreed to resume teaching from December albeit on a reduced scale.
I have agreed to support a new large school in the area and a new set of students led by Por Or Khun. Hwa Yuak students and selected PAKA students will continue to be supported as a result of their amazing effort and excellent behaviour. Discussions are ongoing to determine which, if any other students may be included. The project will be given a new name and details will be updated shortly.
With few exceptions to be agreed separately no old students will be accepted from the PAKA or Bang Keang districts as a result of logistical, scheduling and ethical reasons.
All teachings will be conducted at the Sisatchanalai National Park thanks to the great kindness of the senior staff.

Time for reflection...
6 AUGUST 2015
Nattaphon Yana receives a recognition award
At a special ceremony held at Tan Oy restaurant (Sisatchanalai) for close family members, student and Coach "Tiew" was awarded a special trophy and certificate in recognition of his five years of effort, achievement and support of our volunteer English support activities.
Tiew receiving the auspicious trophy
A symbolic gold medal: real one will
follow one day we are sure...
follow one day we are sure...
Time was also allocated to eating great food and having fun!
A very nice spread ....
We could not do without songs...
Which I enjoyed listening to...
...and that Tiew enjoyed singing!
Teacher Gratthai helped to translate
before singing wildly...
Father and cousin Natasha having a go!
A rare family occasion to celebrate
together a great son and student!
11 JUNE 2015
Scholarship AWARDS Bangkeangwittaya School
It was with great pleasure that today 28 highly talented English students received English scholarship awards funded by Skipper John to support them in their studies. Amongst them was RM scholarship student Nattaphon Yana. Congratulations to all of you for a fantastic display of commitment and to the teaching staff for such an excellent job! Photo's below are largely uncommented.
Director Wassana presenting teacher
graduate certificates...
And welcome to the new teachers
that joined the school...
Teacher Am is a new English teacher
New teacher Khun Tinglee from Chiang
Mai University (Social Studies)
Student scholarships - top scores...
A great occasion!
To celebrate old and new students...
English talent!
Across all grades!
Many of these students are or have been
my students.
Great to see them going higher!
Thanks for your efforts!
Tiew: (Nattaphon Yana) Keeping the flag
flying ...
flying ...
Well deserved!
Ms of the many great students
New faces also...Mr Beam our lead
Here comes Mr Wutthinan :-)
And Mr Natnadai...
Ms Jariyaporn...
Miss Janjira...
Ms Paweena...
Ms Pitchakorn...
and on we go...
Proud group photo....
7 June 2015
The SSNP awards ceremony for the best students was held on Sunday 7th June.
It was a great pleasure to recognize them for their grit and commitment. Well done everyone. Thanks to Monica Carizzi (Italy) for sponsoring the great pencils that everyone received. Prizes included a cash award, T shirts and small gifts...
Our coach Natthapon Yana recognized for
a truly amazing effort and for his
ongoing support!
Mr Gob (Prefect) was unwell and Mr
View received the award on his behalf
MS Fang was first..well done!
Mr View came 2nd...:-)
Mr Aum came 3rd...
Mr Git received an award for effort!
Mr Marc is flying higher...
Great effort by Ms Benz...did well!
As did Ms Parn...
Ms Noi as committed as ever!
It is with pleasure that I inform that Coach Nattaphon Yana was awarded a contribution for a scholarship fund that was offered by Barbara Oliva and Moreno Corti on my recent visit to Italy. This was based on the effort demonstrated and the faith expressed in his talent and capabilities.
Handing over the contribution from Barbara...
With his father Khun Pachum...
And a "good luck" pen set offered by our friend
Monica Carizzi (Italy)...
21st DECEMBER 2014
The last award cycle for 2014 was held to recognize the students who attained the highest scores comprising both effort and results. I am also pleased to announce that Nattaphon Yana (Tiew) has been appointed as Coach given the outstanding effort to date and his ability to support other students, It is very rewarding to have witnessed so much progress in these young lives and their commitment to studying continues to inspire me. I would like to thank Khun Kingnapa and family for the teddy bears that were given out to all the best students. Also thanks to Khun Phichit for sponsoring the first prize awarded to AUM...
Natthapon Yanah appointed to Coach,,,
Extremely well deserved...
Now past the 3 year mark: an amazing journey!
Prefect Gob receiving his award...
Aum was the first prize winner for the student
Mark came second...
View in third place...
Dragon artist Pang took the 4th place
Parn in 5th...
Our long time student Miss Noi...
Other awards: Fern...
A shy Mr Jau...
4 OCTOBER 2014
Once again I had the great pleasure of presenting the latest awards to well deserving and hard working students. Every single one of these students has been extremely committed to learning and has made enormous progress. The weekend sessions provide students the opportunity to improve their English in a fun but strict learning environment. I love you all, CONGRATULATIONS and enjoy the prizes.
Ajarn Thai assigned to COACH ...
A special award was presented to Ajarn together
with certificate: thank you so much for your help!
Special award went to Asst. Coach Nattaphon Yanah
With best wishes from Dr. Yucci Maria Orsini
PREFECT certificate and award: Thanawat Sookpood
Our TOP student in the general category: AUM!
Well done...
Second place: Fluk (absent due to illness) handed
to Prefect Gob!
Third place: Pang!
Special Award to Miss Noi! For amazing
perseverance and effort!
An adjustment due to size...
Fourth place: Duan...
Fifth: View
A serious looking Miss Parn in sixth...
Other award recipients for effort and attendance....
Boom from Hwai Yuak receiving a certificate for
Dontree...(Hwai Yuak)
Bell (Hwai Yuak)
Novice monk: Salan
Novice monk: Feng
Novice monk: Tarot
29 JUNE 2014
I also need to thank some of our Thai and Italian sponsors who contributed to this award ceremony:
1) Khun Kingnapa and family for providing fresh delicious snacks to the students over the last month.
2) Khun Phichit for sponsoring the first prize award for this teaching cycle
3) Chris and May and Snow Lion Crystals for sponsoring cards, bags and gifts
4) Barbara and Moreno Corti for sponsoring many gifts, some of which went to our top student
5) Marina Olivia for the gifts of T shirts for the children
The best English student in terms of spoken and expressive ability continues to be my Assistant Coach Nattaphon Yanah. Tiew is increasing his lead as a result of a conscious effort to use English on every occasion that presents itself. So once again, CONGRATULATIONS on keeping the “top job”. Tiew is now in a different category and his evaluation has been adjusted accordingly.
Amazing effort by all!
Tiew received a Certificate for Leadership
Effort & Excellence
Effort & Excellence
He also received the first compassion award !
As part of our commitment to honour the Charter For Compassion the first ever COMPASSION certificate was issued to Tiew for the many kind and selfless acts that went mostly unobserved. Well someone took notice!
A happy and deserving Mr Gob
The fourth prize was awarded to another wonderful long time student, Ms Parn. Parn has been a committed student for some time and has also shown the same golden qualities of determination and effort.
A giggly Ms. Parn
The fifth prize was awarded to Mr Dew who has come a really long way from just one year ago. He deserves to be in the top 5 given his amazing progress.
A confident Mr Dew
2) Mr. Git
3) Mr; Fluk
4) Mr’. Aum
5) Mr Pang
6) Miss Noi
7) Ms Natcha
8) Mr “Bo” Kangkheere received a special scholarship award for his efforts!
Novice Salan
Novice: Taro
Novice: Fang
Before I went to Italy I assigned a major English project to Nattaphon Yanah, our most capable (13 year old) student in this area. This was completely experimental and based on intuition, so I did not know what the end result would be. The criteria for my determination of the success of this project were:
1) That a power point presentation be developed that would cover the key structures of the English language (these were defined specifically)
2) That it be completed on my return and before the resumption of high school
3) That it be thorough and logical
4) The use of initiative was a key factor since there was little supervision
5) Imagination: free to create this in any shape or form
6) To do the subject matter justice, that it be about 50 slides that could be used as teaching material
I was presented with the final version yesterday comprising about 100 slides which I reviewed. I will be revising it slightly but ALL the above criteria were met extraordinarily well, considering that Tiew is a non-native speaker still developing his skills and that he worked through his school holidays. After a discussion with my immediate family circle we agreed to offer as a reward a special scholarship and awards for this effort and achievement. This was presented to Tiew and to his parents. We can only select one top student at the present moment and I believe that he fully deserves it. We also hope this will encourage Tiew to continue with his efforts in order to attain even higher results. The potential of these young people is truly something for this community to be proud of. I believe that if given the chance, many can achieve great heights.
A proud and happy moment for the family!
A happy Tiew: a compassionate and caring student
A proud moment for his mentor :-)
MARCH 2014
On Sunday the 23rd March we held the bimonthly award ceremony for the top scorers. The results and event photos are posted below. I was assisted in the awards ceremony by our Asst. Coach Nattaphon Yanah. Each and every award was completely deserved since each student put in enormous effort.
Awards included a small scholarship, T shirts, Thumb drives, books, and various other gifts. Two new students received two bilingual dictionaries sponsored by the Duse family.
Asst.Coach Tiew receiving his special award
Presenting to three time top winner and new Champion
Num. Excellent sustained effort.
First place winner: Fang! Well done!
Looking shocked!!!! :-) :-) :-)
A giggly second place winner: Parn!
Student Gob took the third place!
Presenting a certificate to Ton and an award for
really outstanding application and effort!
Tiew presenting to another superb student with a
delightful sense of humour View!
Fern received a special award for sustained effort!
New student Poyfai showing great promise!
Even newer student Dean also showing great
Our persevering gentle soul Git: great effort and
dedication always!
Luang has been increasingly focused and the
results are beginning to show!
Young Master Gai: doing his best with every breath!
Bou making a great comeback!
Dew was recognized again for his progress and
effort! He has great potential.
Awardees Group photo before I noticed the hat!
Award recipients Group photo without my neighbour's hat!
And off to a nice lunch!
Well deserved!
I think that the image below sums it up for me...
On Saturday the 15th February we held the bimonthly award ceremony for the top scorers. The results are posted below. First I am happy to announce that given the level reached by our top student Nattaphon Yanah (spoken English, conversation, vocabulary, leadership, compassion) I have appointed him as Assistant Coach: Tiew is way ahead of his peer group and has the potential to progress fast. In addition, (like the other older students) he is providing great coaching support to the younger ones. Tiew and all students: congratulations! You are all a great example of effort and kindness in action !
Tiew receiving his new certificate and field promotion.
He has always been a playful but dedicated and
compassionate student. Today he ranks first in proficiency
in this peer group!
We are currently working on a development project!
Joining me in presenting to our NO 1 student: NUM!
Num has been a very hard working student, showing
great initiative, effort and perseverance!
Tiew presenting to the No 2 top student VIEW. View
has blossomed greatly over a short period of time.
And top 3rd position: Gob! Outstanding progress...
Fang in fourth place...excellent progress and diligence
Parn in 5th place receiving a special award for effort
and progress! A great student...
Ton received a special award for superb effort and
Dew also received a special award for progress and
great effort!
Long time student Fern: very good example of
perseverance and effort!
Git also received an award for great effort over time!
Youngest student Lunag: showing true grit!
Our tenacious and hard working Noi...well deserved!
Gai: another new generation in the "English making"...
Poyfai: new comer with great effort!
Concluding this cycle of teachings, the awards for the top three students were presented today.
Senior student and multiple award winner "Tiew' presenting
the prizes to the 2nd winner "Fang".Fang was once again an
excellent student!
In third position: "Tiew" presenting the third prize to
another very talented student: "Parn"
A special award was granted to "Git" for consistent
effort and progress!
A very sincere handshake to all the winners on a wonderful effort and for their great commitment to learning!
SSNP/PAKA Project Round 6 Camp 5: RESULTS & AWARDS
Today it was the turn of the PAKA school students to receive the top three awards. I am so pleased to have been able to grant them to the top PAKA scorers.CONGRATULATIONS ! You have been a wonderful class!
Headmaster Manat handing a special award to thetop student "Gob" . The award was given on behalf of
Dr. Yucci Maria Orsini (Italy)
The second prize was given to student "View"
"View" is a very promising student who attained excellent
Third prize was awarded to student "Dew". Dew climbed
a steep curve to become one of the three top students!
Coming up fast behind the top scorers is "Aum" who also
made incredible progress and is also headed to the top!
"Por" was another student who like the rest of her class
just kept on improving. I sincerely admire everyone for their
effort and dedication
SSNP/Hua Yuak Project Round 5 Camp 5: RESULTS & AWARDS
Today it was with great pleasure that the awards were presented, on conclusion of the teaching project to the top students. The first prize including a T shirt, Backpack, Comprehensive bilingual dictionary, Certificate and Award was presented to "Rambo" Kanghkhiri who obtained the highest score.
"Rambo" First prize: very well deserved !
The second prize was awarded to "Da" Kanghkiri
The third prize was awarded to "Joy" Janyon
The prizes included a small Award/ comprehensive dictionary/Certificate/Cloth case and mechanical pencil.
Socks were also given out the winners and to all the participating students.
It has been a pleasure to teach such a vibrant and responsive group!
A special award/grant was given to Student Nattaphon Yanah on 8th December on behalf of Dr. Yucci Maria Orsini (retired language professor) who has been following the progress of the students from Italy. "Tiew" (nickname) received this on the basis of sustained observable progress and tremendous potential.
"Tiew" receiving the grant award together with his father!
Well deserved:: may you always be successful !
SSNP/PAKA Project Round 4 Camp 4: RESULTS & AWARDS
The October camp has been concluded. I would like to thank Khun Piya, Superintendent of the SSNP, Khun Seksan (Deputy), Khun Bussanee (Officer) for their extraordinary support to me personally and to making their facilities available to all students for learning. They are an excellent example of compassion and altruism in action and I am proud to know them. I also thank the students for their time and energy. Learning with me is not always easy but I am happy to say they are living up to the challenge.
Champion award: goes to Tiew who remains the reigning
Khun Seksan kindly presented the first and all prizes
First prize went to Gob who has made excellent progress!
Student Parn came second and deserved the win!
Our old student Num was third in the ranking
All students that attended regularly received an
unexpected bonus!
The youngest and most earnest student; Noi...
Another young and tenacious lad: Git
Tuye received a certificate for effort!
New student Ji received a dictionary
Group photo Somwang, Khun Seksan and students!
Group photo Khun Seksang and Tiew Chanpion (sitting right)
and Gob standing left (First)
SSNP/PAKA Project Round 3 Camp 3: RESULTS & AWARDS
The awards included many items donated by our supportive sponsors credited in the PAKA Updates and in the Honours List:: T-shirts, thumb drives, steel drinking cups, mechanical pencils, audio books for the top scorers and certificates. Snacks were also available for everyone!
The PAKA school awards were presented this morning. Please scroll below for the weekender group awards!
Prizes awaiting their new owners!
Ajarn Chutikan standing by...
School Director Poh Or Manat presenting the
first prize to Ping WELL DONE!
Second prize was awarded to Gob: a great leap!
The third prize went to View and was presented by
Ajarn Chutikan
The other prizes were awarded to Por...
Aum for a great effort...
and Tong for great progress...
Special award went to Gaeng for kindness and
The September results for this latest camp for the weekender group are as follows:
CHAMPION'S PRIZE: This award was given, following three consecutive wins, by Nattaphon Yanah who remains the leading student here. Sincere and heartfelt congratulations on a stunning score. "Tiew" has shown great talent, great effort and leadership. The awards included many items donated by our supportive sponsors: T-shirts, thumb drives, steel cups, mechanical pencils, audio books for the top scorers and certificates.
My thanks also go to Dept. Superintendent Khun Seksan for presenting the other prizes.
Somwang presenting the top award to Tiew'
NUM showed great tenacity and effort!
Third place: Fang: remarkable progress!
Parn was in fourth place and was awarded a prize
Great effort and energy
Long time student: Mo Big took the fifth place
Recognizing amazing effort: Triton
Git: diligence, perseverance and effort
The youngest and most diligent student: Noy
End of award lunches with all: above and below
Khun Nan is a friend to all of us!
Once again I would like to thank Khun Bussanee for her enormous patience and support throughout this programme as well as all the officials at the Park. My thanks also go to our sponsors and to Khun Viroon for his amazing support.
Please follow this project in progress by clicking on the Project Updates Tab. The final results will posted here around the end of September 2013.
Ban Bo Wi Scool Ratchaburi, Thailand: update
I am very happy to update that the sponsorship for one child for one year of middle school has been handed over to the project coordinator Khun Lek. Further assistance or support will be considered based on the school's requests.
Sukhotai SSNP/PAKA Project Camp 2, Round 2 August 2013
I am very pleased to announce the winners of the latest round August month:
Top prize: Nattaphon Yanah (Tiew) won the top award once again. This was presented by SSNP Superintendent Khun Piya Nunil (below).
The certificate was designed by Khun Bussanee
Tiew won the most prizes and was awarded a certificate
of appreciation.
Below: The second prize and certificate was awarded
to student Num...
Below: The third prize and certificate was awarded to student Fang...
Below ...
...Somwang and Superintendent Piya.
Khun Piya and his team have always been very supportive and helpful throughout our association.
Khun Piya with Khun Oi and Khun Bo two staff officers.
Group photo of the most persevering students.
We once again thank all those that lovingly supported these students in so many ways. Your kindness has roared and flowed like a powerful waterfall singing its powerful song.
Thank you so much!
I am very pleased to announce the winners of the latest round August month:
Top prize: Nattaphon Yanah (Tiew) won the top award once again. This was presented by SSNP Superintendent Khun Piya Nunil (below).
of appreciation.
to student Num...
Below: The third prize and certificate was awarded to student Fang...
Below ...
...Somwang and Superintendent Piya.
Khun Piya and his team have always been very supportive and helpful throughout our association.
Khun Piya with Khun Oi and Khun Bo two staff officers.
Group photo of the most persevering students.
Joyful Synchronicity
Wonderful and auspicious appearance over the "weekender group" end of class
on 14/7/2013.
"Oh my Sukhotai" 3: Extended camp
"Oh my Sukhotai" 3: Extended camp
About to leave for an extended and more ambitious educational project. My thanks to all the contributors of materials for all forthcoming needs. My car will be packed to the brim with all the generous contributions and I will as usual provide photos on this site. Thank you: I am taking more than just materials - I am taking down your expressions of love and compassion.
Back to Sukhotai 2: Miracles and Wonders
Sukhotai May English Camp: Round 2
The second April/May two week camp designed to help students increase their vocabulary and their practice in using the English language came to a happy ending on the 7th. To this end I must extend my sincerest, heartfelt thanks to Khun Piya Nunil, Superintendent and Khun Saksun Chaibung Deputy Superintendent of the magnificent Si Satchanalai National Park. Their support in providing facilities, logistics and their care for the community made these experiences possible.
“Anu mo tana!”
Khun Piya Nunil: Superintendent of SSNP
Khun Saksun Chaibung: Deputy Superintendent SSNP (Photo 1 of 2)
Khun Saksun Chaibung: Deputy Superintendent SSNP (Photo 2 of 2)
The students were unique: they decided to begin class (initially scheduled for 9.00am to 11.00am, at 7.30am and sat through 3.5 hours of practice daily). I have not seen this kind of effort anywhere else and it is a direct reflection on the spirit and character of these young people. A day out trekking and learning at a spectacular Cave situated within the Park boundaries provided a much appreciated and exciting opportunity to learn in and from nature.
A new round of prizes was awarded to the top three students: however it was decided that given the extraordinary dedication, prizes would be given to all the students that participated.
The top three students were: 1) Nattaphon Yanah 2) Tuenjai Sayjai 3) Suppamas Kubbwan. We congratulate and respect them for their effort alongside the other students: Thanawat (‘Kob), Sinkhwan (Bo’), “Bird”, “Film”, “Parn":, Nirut Autpin (‘Golf) and young ‘Puy.
Nattaphon Yanah (‘Tiew) a two time first prize winner was an outstanding student. His qualities of leadership, kindness and sheer effort were as striking as the potential that he demonstrated.
Tuenjai Sayjai (Num’) put in great determination and effort demonstrated significant progress in the expansion of her vocabulary, comprehension and use of English.
Supamas Kubbwan proved that perseverance pays. Focused on her learning rather than any expectation of prize and placement she naturally made steady and continuous progress.
We were very fortunate in the final week to have been joined by a bright young Engineering student Nirut Autpin who possessed a very good foundation of English structure and rules. He was conscripted as “Assistant Ajarn’ and he kindly helped to teach and explain the finer points of grammar, syntax and tenses to the students. I wish “Golf’ well in his studies and I am sure that he will excel.
Khun Nirut (Golf) appointed “Assistant Ajarn” assisting students during a session.
Once again I need to extend my sincere thanks to Khun Bussanee for her outstanding support throughout every program.
Khun Bussanee SSNP Officer provided tireless support to the entire group and brought great benefit to everyone present.
An impressed Somwang!
Sincere thanks to Tashi Shok for sponsoring prize scrolls as well as all the notebooks. Your kindness is reflected in the beauty of your work.
Finally, I am deeply impressed by the wholesomeness of these young people and I consider myself lucky to have been able to share my knowledge with them. They will always be in my heart together with the precious moments that we shared.
Back to Sukhotai 1: English Camp 1
Have you ever heard of children wanting to study during their school break and over one of the major festivals in Thailand?
Well it happened. A group of students leaving Paka primary school showed up rather unexpectedly for a two week camp during their term break, some attending every single day for a morning class of two hours in English. Prizes were awarded at the end to the highest scorers that were sponsored jointly by Somwang, Marisa, Chris & May. Thanks again to Tashi Shok for their generous donation of books and materials. Khun Kingnapa (1st left) assisted with translation, prize giving and support.
First prize top student: Tiew'
Second prize: Boh'
Third prize: Num'
Group photo: Khun Bus provided all logistical support
Group photo with Ranger
But it was not all just work, there was time to play and cool down during Songkran:
Ban Bo Wi Scool Ratchaburi, Thailand
This wonderful school is a place for migrant students to attend school. The project to overhaul and improve the level of education as well as infrastructure was initiated by Ajarn Surachai (3rd from the left) with a Volunteer Teacher Patricia Barber (1st row top right).
At the moment the school is growing very quickly with an emphasis on teaching and creating a self sufficiency approach to life. At its helm is a young, dynamic and highly dedicated Director.
Some facts we have received: 28 students graduated and 26 require sponsorship to attend middle school.
The amount required is 2,000 baht per month per child which covers school fees, books, transport, food and uniform. RMRTP has committed to sponsor one child.
A record can be given to each donor and a receipt, the school can also supply photos of the sponsored child and his/her progress. We are awaiting an official letter from the school with information about sponsoring a child.
The sponsorship will be required for approximately one year as Ajarn is also raising funds to build a middle and high school so that all of the children in that area have a chance to continue school .. It is also possible to give a donation to the school.
Some of these children who cannot afford to continue their education end up working on the mountains .. in the fields .. and some of the girls are married off as this is the only way they will be taken care of .. they are 11/12 years old.
Will provide our broader friends with more data on the hows as soon as we receive it, many thanks to our circle for stepping in and supporting.
Sri Dvip Mangal Boarding School
A school whose record has been impeccable under the most testing of conditions especially during the period of a bloody civil strive in the country that spared no one. Its Director and Principle and teachers (Shirley Blair, Curent Head Lama Pema, previous Head Khenpo Chonyi) have done an amazing job of providing children with an education and a chance at life. They have all the respect and my unconditional admiration. I was fortunate to walk a long road with them and am so glad for this blessing. All assistance to this school directly is welcomed. The school has a rigorous sponsorship process.
The eminent Tibetan lama, Thrangu Rinpoche founded SMD Boarding School to serve the needs of children from remote hamlets on the Nepal - Tibet border where villagers eke out a living as subsistence farmers and semi-nomadic yak herders. It's a hardscrabble, hungry life...many children don't survive to see their 5th birthday.
Of Tibetan origin but born on the Nepal side of the mountains, they are an ethnic, linguistic and religious minority....... Thrangu Rinpoche opened SMD Boarding School to address their needs. He aims to help preserve their language, culture and Buddhist way of life and to give Himalayan children the tools to build a brighter future so they can help themselves and their own people when they grow up. SMD is wholly supported by overseas sponsors.
The songs in this video were written and recorded by "Peace Mantra", a group SMD students. Bring Back Peace was recorded at the end of Nepal's civil war.
Ntonga Music School SOUTH AFRICA
Gugulethu, South Africa In the spring of 2009, the Playing For Change Foundation opened its first music school in Gugulethu, South Africa, a township ten miles (16 km) outside of Cape Town. Like many of the townships formed during the government-imposed Apartheid that lasted from 1948 to 1994, Gugulethu is a community in need of assistance and inspiration. South Africans are still striving to repair the damage and injustice created during Apartheid, and the Ntonga Music School is setting a strong example of how the country can come together to create a brighter future for its people. Today the people of Gugulethu are full of life and spirit, but have many obstacles to overcome. With drugs, crime, poverty, and disease prevalent in the township, the Ntonga Music School offers hope and possibility for the community and its youth.
In addition to building the school, the Playing For Change Foundation provides teachers salaries, musical instruments, and other necessities this center of compassion and creativity requires. The school is lead by a dedicated staff of music instructors and trained personnel who understand the unique challenges their students face. The school also serves as a community center where guest musicians from Cape Town and beyond come to perform for the students and community.
The Ntonga School is striving to empower the people of Gugulethu by creating positive opportunities for their community, as well as foster a greater connection to the rest of the world through the sharing of their music. The school is working to connect South Africans beyond the boundaries of Gugulethu; it is a source of pride and inspiration not only for the township, but also for the country.
Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts!Sukhotai, Thailand
Paka Primary School
Paka District, Sukhotai
Situated about 1 km from the border of the magnificent Sri Satchanalai Historical Park in
Sukhotai this very simple yet well kept school offers education for about 68 children of individuals working either at the Park or farming or with their own small business.
The kids are well disciplined and Khun Somwang was honored to have been given the opportunity to volunteer and share his knowledge of the English Language in the month of September. The kids have enormous kindness, are hard working and often help out their parents and family members in addition to tending to their school work.
In addition craft work is encouraged and children produce beautiful artistic and cultural toys, sculptures, products and more recently are assembling the instruments to begin traditional Thai music activities.
The teachers and Principal do a remarkable job of supporting the students's education under often difficult conditions. Friends of the RMRTP jointly contributed food, funds, a whiteboard and school materials (notebooks, pens etc) and offered prizes to the top English students.
Our special thanks go to the generous sponsors and network friends: Khun Somnuck Wiroonpong. Khun Kingnapa Boonprasitthiphol, Khun Janya Pingkaew, Khun Benjaporn Chantasen, Khun Jatuporn Tuyaporn, khun Natthaya Pongjit and Khun Thanabat. A very special thanks to our friends at Tashi Shok who both donated and heavily discounted many creative and beautiful gifts and prizes that we offered to our students and teachers. Their most recent donation today 11 November was of 70 beautifully designed notebook for each child at the school.
The Barefoot Approach INDIA

The Barefoot Approach
The Barefoot Approach
Filmmaker Sumithra Prasanna visits a unique institution in India that relies on community members, rather than experts, to help solve local problems. She found when the community was given the authority to solve their own problems, confidence rose, gender relations improved and a ripple effect of positive changes occurred.

Husain Akbar
A Solar engineer at work. View Larger >

Husain Akbar
Shenaz assembles a solar cooker. View Larger >

Husain Akbar
Women from Africa at a Tilonia workshop where they train for a period of six months to become Barefoot Solar Engineers. View Larger >

Husain Akbar
Women repairing a hand pump. View Larger >
Most often, we cannot tackle one problem without addressing other related ones. Social entrepreneurs working at the grassroots level recognize this. Empowering women may be central to solving many of our world's problems, since women take their learning back into their families and into their communities. But I keep wondering if we can truly liberate, educate and empower women to wield more social, economic and political power without at the same time altering male perceptions and attitudes towards women? Are we pitting poor women against poor men, forcing them to compete against one another for social status, jobs, and authority? Are we looking towards women in a last-ditch effort to help facilitate the process of transformative social changes?
When I got an opportunity to film for a documentary about "The Barefoot College," a nonprofit situated in Tilonia, in India's Rajasthan, I couldn't have been happier. The Barefoot College, founded in 1972 by Bunker Roy, is the only college in India based on the principles of Mahatma Gandhi. It has been built for and by the poor, and is managed, controlled, and owned by the poor. Perhaps here, in his college, I would find some answers to my questions.
At the heart of the Barefoot College's philosophy is the goal of building rural people's self-worth and confidence, a principle rooted firmly in Gandhi's central belief that the knowledge, skills, and wisdom found in villages should be used for the development of the villages themselves. And if any sophisticated technology from outside were to be used, then it should be controlled by the poor communities it is brought in to serve. Bunker Roy said, "The thing that these people lacked - and this was a tyranny for them - was a paper qualification. So, the first thing we did was to disqualify anyone with a paper degree."
The College promotes direct action for change through a very powerful women's movement - groups of women (Mahila Samiti) from neighboring villages come together to jointly discuss and share information on women's rights, health and legal issues, and political practices and policies that affect them. There are no leaders here. There is no one-upmanship. At best, there are coordinators from Barefoot who help facilitate the process. It's democratic. It's decentralized. It is participative problem solving and decision making.
The thing that you notice first as you enter the campus at Tilonia is that there are so many women performing roles that challenge traditional notions. There's Nandu, the caretaker, who greets you with a smile as you enter the guest house, and makes sure you have a good room to stay in; there's Ghulab, who started off as a hand pump mechanic, but is now a Barefoot Solar Engineer; there's Naurthy, a wise old woman who has learnt to work on computers, and is now training other women like herself; there's Shenaz, a very articulate solar cooker engineer; there's Bhanwari and Kesar, the Barefoot dentists ... the list is endless.
What's unique about these women? They are poor. They are illiterate or semi-literate. Many among them are middle-aged. But they are tough, and exceedingly smart. They are confident, articulate, and are always eager to learn things that interest them.
The Barefoot College has six areas of focus, all of which have been formulated to address a need of the surrounding community: drinking water, education, alternative energy, environment, empowerment of rural women, and traditional communication.
Rajasthan is probably the driest state in India: nearly two-thirds of the state suffers from recurrent water scarcity. This was one of the first problems that the college tackled, because non-availability of water led to other issues. Women and girls had to walk long distances to find water, which meant that their days were long and arduous, their health suffered, and little girls had less time for school since household responsibilities were more pressing. Foreign engineers would have argued in favor of cost-intensive methods to tap groundwater, or to set up a piped water supply that could draw on permanent water sources situated several kilometers away. But the College chose to consult locally, and to apply local intelligence and know-how. As a result, they turned to the simple but effective system of rooftop rainwater harvesting, a method that catches rainwater using rooftops of schools and other buildings, and channels it to underground tanks. Rainwater harvesting has enabled 470 schools and community centers to collect and store nearly 29 million liters of rainwater at a cost of 10 cents a liter - a viable, low-cost method that has provided drinking water and sanitation to rural communities, and brought more kids, especially girls, back to schools. And for those children who have to work during the day to shepherd livestock, night schools have been established so they don't have to neglect education.
But by far the biggest achievement of Barefoot is its use of an alternative energy source. Solar electricity powers its own campus as well as over 90,000 of the poorest households across India. The College has also gone global - more than 340 ordinary village men and women from eight countries in Asia, Africa, and South America have been trained as Barefoot solar engineers.
Each of the focus areas has a cumulative effect - availability of water has lessened the work burden for women, and has allowed them to focus on crafts. This has in turn provided them an additional source of income. Solar electrification, apart from making night schools possible, is also eco-friendly since it cuts down on, and gradually eliminates, the use of firewood, diesel and kerosene for cooking, heating and lighting.
But the most important consequence of relevant, appropriate and meaningful education here is the empowerment of rural women. I'm told that there is a visible change in the attitudes of men towards women, and women towards men, and the villagers' perceptions towards social issues.
Adapting to the Barefoot experience requires you to unlearn what you learnt, and purge what you think you know. In fact, at Barefoot, you are faced with the very antithesis of what you understand of education. When you see mothers and grandmothers learning a new craft, and gaining expertise in a new technology, you are amazed. Here are women who are charged by the power of possibilities, and for whom old age is not an excuse to stop learning.
Barefoot gives me a lot of hope. It demonstrates that any systemic change has to be rooted in local needs and aspirations. It shows that tackling people's attitudes and cultural mindset is an important component of any development agenda. People know best what they need. All they require is a window of opportunity, and they can accomplish anything they want. If they will it, they can.
- Bornstein, David. 2004. How to change the world: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of new ideas, Oxford University Press.
- Agarwal, Bina, Jane Humphries and Ingrid Robeyns. 2004. Capabilities, Freedom, and Equality: Amartya Sen's work from a global perspective, Oxford University Press.
- June 2005. Report of the Expert Committee on Integrated Development of Water Resources.
Visit Paola Gianturco's photo slideshow and essay in Economica about the Barefoot College, "Women Who Light the Dark."
To learn more about The Barefoot College, visit