"The best form of giving is that untainted by recognition, fame or returns" (Buddhist tenet). This is dedicated in gratitude to your pure intentions.
May many blessings accrue for you and all those like you.
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Contributors acknowledged for their selfless sharing:
have asked for and received permission to publicly acknowledge kind hearts who have recently expanded their contributions to causes that directly benefit others:
THE AVIATION TEAM: For long time volunteer activities to support students learning about aviation opportunities and technology, for selflessly giving their time, ideas and connecting students with the world of technology and flight. We pay tribute to these fine young leaders and their belief in sharing their expertise and reaching out to others: First Class Sgt. Jack (Weerayut Yoosuk center), Sgt. Tom (Akarapat Sawangsai 1st right), Chief Flight Instructor Aof (Tacthcapong Thong-O-Iran 2nd right), Airman Tanker (Suppachok Pupo 1st left), Chief Flight Instructor Toto (Prechapoj Pussaramalai. (below photo)
Resteghini Family: My dear and long time friends Francesco Resteghini, Annalisa, Irene and family for their kind and generous support to Project New Dawn as well as for their lifetime of compassion and tolerance. I welcome you all to this humble Wall of Gratitude.
On my visit to Italy with son
Prof. Dr. Adrian D: (South Africa: surname withheld on request) Medical support, equipment and advice on "field clinics" (Nepal/India). Adrian (centre below) has contributed to saving countless lives across the developing world as part of his activity as a renown epidemiologist. His compassion has reached out to support the world of art and musicians, AIDS patients and many other causes. His most recent assignment has involved dealing with the horrific Ebola outbreak in Liberia with a dedicated equipe). He has also supported our activities by mobilizing students of the University of the Witwatersrand Medical sciences faculty to express their solidarity with the students in Sukhothai. A big thank you for the ongoing support.
Dr. Yucci Maria Orsini: a retired researcher and University of the Witwatersrand lecturer in the then Dept. of Romance Studies, she has been a beacon of inspiration and support for this project. She had also previously taught music to numerous Japanese children that studied with her in South Africa. Her kindness of spirit and care have contributed to many smiles for many students.
Flying to remote African villages
to save lives.
Great supporter!
Sisatchanalai National Park Superintendent Piya Nunil and Deputy Superintendent Seksan Chaibang , As the former leaders of the SSNP, one of the most pristine and beautiful locations in the area, it is a great pleasure to acknowledge their superb kindness in opening this wonderful venue to all students for school camping and educational activities. Their kindness and that of some of their staff has had a great effect in uplifting the local social environment. They have also helped to save my life on two occasions working selflessly to render assistance under extremely difficult conditions. Thank you for looking after our remaining natural environment, thank you for your kind "Dhamma" heart and thank you for being such good friends to like-minded people. Your help to the local community is a great example!
Director Piya Nunil
Both deeply rooted in Dharma...
Khun Seksang Saibung: Former Deputy Superintendent SSNP
Khun Somnuck Wiroonpong: a heart outpouring generosity and care, spreading benefit: see detailed dedication below
Somnuck: centre
Khun Kingnapa Boonprasitthiphol: playing a remarkable and increasing role in her community through project initiatives, collaborative contributions and proactive community engagement - see detailed dedication below
Chris and May
Khun Bussanee of SSNP (Sukhotai) (RIP): without her precious help, everything would be so much harder. Another example of compassion in action: see detailed dedication below
"The Skipper": I would like to acknowledge our anonymous largest private sponsor to date whom I have nicknamed: "The Skipper". Our friend, whose life's work brought well being, education and prosperity to tens of thousands of people provided the largest private contribution to support Project Pramudita and Bangkeangwittaya High School. The impact of this contribution on 36 students and their families as well as to the school (Music, Library. English department) is difficult to fathom or to express in words. It is also unprecedented. So is our gratitude! We had the honour of welcoming him to Sukothai....(2014). Since then he has contributed continuously to support the much needier Metapee School (Primary and High school). These contributions have enabled us to provide support to needy families' students as well as opportunities for English projects that would otherwise be impossible to do.
Por Or Wasana Samneang: Director Wasana has been at the head of the BKW school for the last two years. (see project Pramudita tab). She was appointed Director four years ago ( at the time of writing 2015) and has taught for 30 years. She has made an incredible difference to so many students and has opened her heart to support worthy students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Since she invited me to teach I have witnessed her compassion and total dedication to improving her school and its standards. She received only the 4th compassion certificate issued to those that make a difference.
Director Wassana was recently promoted (December 2015) as a result of her efforts and had relocated to a new school closer to her home. You will be missed!
Por Or Khun: Director Khun at the time of writing was promoted (Oct 2015) to head a new larger school in the district. Por Or has demonstrated for a long time his total commitment to supporting his students, many of whom come from economically disadvantaged families. He has shown extraordinary kindness, a relentless pursuit of self-improvement and an unwavering effort to support both me and his school. His compassion and kindness will forever be engraved in my heart and in the hearts of those that work with him.. I am deeply honoured to acknowledge him on our wall in this small way.
Awarded a CERTIFICATE of COMPASSION on 13//06/2016
Director Wassana was recently promoted (December 2015) as a result of her efforts and had relocated to a new school closer to her home. You will be missed!
Welcome her to our "Gratitude Wall".
Thank you for your compassion!
Khun Deer and Khun Paweena: Khun Deer and family have been incredibly supportive and have, through the use of their family business Muang Kao Glass, enabled me to update this web site whenever I experienced internet connection problems - which is most of the time. They have generously opened their doors and welcomed me every time I needed to. Without their support, I would not have been or still be able to update my web site and notify our sponsors, family and friends both locally and overseas. Thank you for your kindness, generosity and compassion. We are deeply grateful to you.
Khun Thana Attiatananont and family: My ex-colleague has been another example of compassion in action. He has always supported those in need and has annually provided funding to support students both at Bangkeang High School, prizes/awards for best students and more recently new books for the school library and funding for 3 needy students at Metapee school. I am therefore honoured to be able to reflect this contribution on this site.
Ajarn Bob Karimov and family: Ajarn Bob and family have provided extraordinary support to our current school project and have donated English books, 2 kids bicycles (that will be awarded as prizes), games, a sofa (now used by the school to welcome visitors), a refrigerator (used to support weekend students at the park), clothes, badminton rackets, bedding and shoes that were assigned to the school for distribution. This kind of generosity makes this world a much better place, brings us closer and makes other concerns such as race, colour or politics obsolete.
Khun Pemiga K.(Gratthai): I will always be grateful to Khun "Gratthai" for supporting our English teaching at SSNP, PAKA and Metapae school over many years. She has always worked to help others in any way she could and she is a valuable member of our volunteer corps to this day.
Thank you!
Rosemary Krupp: Rosemary is another of those rare people who, as head of a large electronics US MNC Foundation, has dedicated her career to supporting an extraordinary number of causes around the world. Reaching out across religious and ethnic boundaries she has helped to support education, health care, disaster relief and countless numbers of CSR initiatives. Rosemary's contributions to Asia are well known to those that know and have worked with her and the benefit brought about by her and her Company's efforts have been far reaching. We are pleased to feature you here Rosemary, where you will always be on our Wall of gratitude.
Barbara and Moreno Corti: Barbara and Moreno are two special individuals who have always played a role in not only preserving our local neighbourhood forests through direct action but who have also saved countless lives over the years of abandoned domesticated as well as wild animal species. Their respect for life as well their spontaneous compassion makes them another needed beacon of light for many beings. They have also shown great generosity in supporting our project and have provided and encouraged many donations that will make their way to "my" special young students in Sukhothai.(See Project Wang) I am ever so happy to include them here and they join a growing net of kindness and altruism that glows in many hearts. Sincere thanks.
Dedication for sustained and recent major efforts!
Somnuck very kindly provided a staggering contribution of staple food supplies for the school that will save money - which can be used on other needs - for a period of time. Somnuck additionally provided clothing, educational aids and materials to support individual learning. All this saves the parents a great deal of money that is really and truly hard earned. In addition he has also provided support to the Sukhotai school in the form of school materials for each child, "comfort toys" and items that will be used for prizes.
2) Khun Kingnapa Boonprasitthiphol: with an equally long & proven record of contributing from the heart to urgent causes in different regions in Thailand and providing continuing direct assistance and materials in the Education and Nutrition areas of interest, we sincerely thank her for an unexpected matching contribution of a store of staple food that is additional to the supply already provided by our mutual friend and contributor Somnuck to Ratchaburi. This gift which is equally sizeable will allow the school further runway to manage basic food necessities and allow them to continue their Food program which is fundamental to building up an environment that supports education. Additionally, Khun "Dar" acts as a catalyst for needs that are identified and proactively engages to provide the necessary assistance to fulfill them in her community in Sukhotai. I also would like to extend my warmest thanks to her husband Khun Viroon who has been an amazing supporter of all of the shared initiatives and especially the latest major project in which he has played a big logistical support role making frequent trips to ensure the arrival of equipment, prizes and materials. Their combined contribution over time has been extraordinary and humbling. Two young contributors, part of the family also need to be acknowledged Pop and Pee opened their hearts and contributed many quality clothes to support their rural brothers who will absolutely appreciate them. May this merit multiply for all of you.
Ajarn Chutikarn: I think that it is only fitting to include here a tribute to the teacher with whom the PAKA school project started. Ajarn Chuttikarn is leaving at the end of this year to take on a new teaching assignment at a large school in Lampang province. Ajarn opened the door to a new chance for her students to receive English support for over a year. During the time that I have been able to volunteer at her school, I was able to witness her professionalism and total dedication to the school and children. Ajarn teaches with both fairness and compassion which makes her "one of us": those who aspire to the same values. We all wish her well in her new assignment.
Thank you for believing in our efforts and for
Khun Pan Nee (Madam Stone) Khun Nee is not only a crystal expert but a spiritual healer with great compassion. She recently donated a special consignment of blessed/consecrated herb Buddhas to be given out to the best and most deserving students in our projects. I have known "Madam Stone" for many years and together with her associate Khun Isabel they are an outstanding example of compassion and spiritual depth. It is with great pleasure that I feature them in this Honours Wall.
May your Light of Compassion continue to shine brightly always.

Thank you!
Credit: Pexels/ Raj Vaishnaw
Credit: Pexels/ Raj Vaishnaw