It is as always with a great feeling of joy that this year we will be able to continue to support several initiatives aimed at helping selected students and their educational needs. This is thanks to our Skipper John for the renewed sponsorship educational support and Khun Marisa for her community support contribution. More will be published soon here and under Special Support Projects. Also a special thanks to PJCT Lt. Khun Gratthai for her field coordination and execution on behalf of the sponsors. Please stay tuned
The clothing gifting has begun. More to follow...
We wish you all good luck and good health!
Wishing you all the happiness!
Thanks for protecting SSNP krub!
They are a bit large but you will grow up
quickly! Good luck!
Chock dee krub!
All the best for the young students ...
Thanks to K Marisa for her care!
The roll out of useful items of wear has just begun starting with the elderly community that has worked hard throughout their lives and endured many challenges in the rural environment. Thanks to the great people supporting and caring for them
We are happy to advise that with the kind contribution of Khun Marisa, two boxes of new clothing and assorted items have been shipped to SSNP for the benefit of the local SSNP community and families. Our kind Khun Gratai will oversee the distribution of the same over the next couple of weeks. More info and updates to follow.
NEW: From a Skipper John contribution support fund we were able to present a new set of shoes to Ms. Noy a student from Huai Yuak school.
Good luck Ms. Noy. We wish you success!
From Bangkok to destination!
School socks consignment
After a careful evaluation of needs in the community, Officer Tai began distributing the earlier and latest contributions assigned to support a wide variety of needs: clothing and school uniforms, food, assistance for the elderly and various other useful gifts. The contributions to our PAKA community included all age groups and we are so happy to have been able to bring more smiles, and a few joyful tears to more of our friends.
Schools socks are always useful in rugged areas!
Providing food assistance to those
who can benefit is our privilege.
From rice to eggs..
This generation sacrificed a lot
Its a small way to say thank you..
And Sisatchanalai cooking is excellent!
Some of the best food is in Sisatchanalai!
Beautiful and happy Ms Kaufang little lady!
Younger and older generations
Good luck Mr Boong
Never too young to prepare... Ms Samai and Sapai
Good luck for your studies...Ms Oon
More eggs....Khun Luab
and rice to go around...Khun Sii
Hot water bottle for localized pain relief Khun Jern
...we hope it can help you!
As above Khun Ruen: wish you good health
Hello to Khun Chum
Walking aids are also beneficial
Our good wishes to Khun Toon..
Hello to Khun Dee 1
Khun Mee....sawasdee!
Helping with walking aid!
Good wishes and good health Khun Ruan...
Wish you good luck and happiness!
Sawasdee Khun Kian
Best wishes to Khun Mah and her husband
Greetings to Khun Dee 2
Happy yellow for Khun Aon
Happy you can enjoy them Kun Uuk
I also like the colours Khun Uan
Good luck student Ms Imm
Hi Khun Boy
Enjoy the shirt Khun Lah
Sawasdee Khun Tam
Good luck with your studies Ms Noon
And also Ms Jam
Ms Kuan received our special RMRTP t shirt
and Khun Mas blue and white colours.
Good luck.
Lucky red for Khun Tip
Hi Ms Ne'ne'
Smiles bring everyone joy!
Si Satchanalai District PAKA
Remembering our elders who are more vulnerable is very important. As we get older we become weaker and at times more alone, so being aware of the needs of those who need a bit of support is really important. Thanks again to our Khun Tai for reaching out and helping us to support this cause.
Small gifts that are useful
We wish you a healthy, long life
Si Satchanalai District PAKA
Khun Tai once again helping us to
distribute a new round of school clothing
and more dictionaries
(socks for boys and girls)
out due to the difficult terrain in the rural
as promised previously below, socks
and dictionary. We are
very happy that we kept our promise!
We are happy to help!
Take care.Good luck!
Good luck with your studies!
More dictionaries have found owners!
as have socks!
Wish you success!
We send you all lots of good wishes and big hugs!
APRIL 17 - JUNE 19 UPDATE 2023
Si Satchanalai District
The handout of apparel and school clothing is continuing based on identified needs and we are also very happy that with the earlier contribution of Khun Marisa, we managed to continue to distribute the 4th round of mainly new clothing for all ages and genders to gift people in the surrounding districts who can make use of them; children, teenagers or more senior residents. Khun Tai is handling the distribution as before making sure that these are received by their new owners.
The schools have reopened and new needs are being identified. Thanks to Khun Tai for the outstanding and very systematic job and hard work. We wish all recipients happiness, good health and peace.
We send our good wishes to Hwa Yuak
villagers. We are really happy this helps.
Thank you Ms Tai!!!
Its good to see the smiles,,,
And all ages!
Sawasdee krub!
Good luck with your English!!
Good luck to all of you.
Karin community weave beautiful and
unique clothing designs!
Traditional Karin dancing and culture!
Very beautiful and unique!
Well done Kru Ratee! Very nice!
More students received socks and 4 dictionaries
Master Tee was a "late entry": but we will make sure
he gets a useful gift too!
Wonderful for us to see!
Metapae school recipients identified
by teaching staff: thank you for your care!
Metapae kindergarten will also benefit
Metapae all ages who can benefit
Very happy to share with you.
PAKA residents
On the way.....
April 6 - 9 UPDATE 2023
I am very thrilled to see that the first rollout of the 3rd round of contributions (see updates below) has begun and that it is focused on Paka residents. Thanks again to Ms Tai for her excellent and focused approach in giving items where most needed. Our approach requires that each contribution be done on the merits and needs of each recipients as stated before, irrespective of age. The roll out is continuing.
We send lots of good wishes to everyone involved. This is just the beginning: more to follow.
Roll out continuing...
March 30 UPDATE 2023
We have prepared a 3rd round of clothing to be sent to the districts surrounding SSNP and plan to do a further 4th round shortly working with my ex colleagues and ex sponsors. The 3rd box was shipped today as we are hoping to have it received before the SONGKRAN festival. Khun Marisa has also purchased a set of new children's clothing for boys and girls. Other items will be destined for teenagers and more senior members of the community. Photos will be posted as soon as the boxes are dispatched and received. They will be given out on a need/merit basis only. RMRTP volunteer MS Tai will evaluate who the recipients will be based on her local knowledge and input from other sources.
More to follow...
March 23 UPDATE 2023
RMRTP T shirt and bilingual dictionary to
Khun Oi's daughter Amm in M3 at
Tung Saliam School.
Keep up the good results!
February 25 UPDATE 2023
Sisatchanalai District
Thanks to the support of Khun Pemiga the work of handing out items to those who can benefit has continued. We were also able to give out several bilingual dictionaries to students who want to learn English. Of course for me that is really wonderful if help and support are provided in any form to students to allow them to develop their English skills.
Below a snapshot of the recipients. (see previous update Feb 19th for more background). This round went to the PAKA district in the area of the SSNP. I will be travelling to Sukothai in the near future for a quick visit.
Clothing and English dictionary! Great combo!
Wish you good luck and success!
Good luck with your English studies!
We all wish you happiness and success!
February 19 UPDATE 2023
Sisatchanalai District
A new box of clothing for children and adults was sent to our RMRTP volunteer for distribution to those who could benefit the most in the sub districts around the National Park. (Hwa Yuak, Paka, Metapae). The requirement is to provide on a need basis so that time will be taken to select those who would most benefit. Below the roll out has begun. More to follow in the next weeks and we will post more updates. Thank you to Khun Marisa and Khun Chris for contributing and to Khun Pemiga for managing the distribution.
We try to cater for all age groups
More to follow soon...
January 31 UPDATE 2023
Sisatchanalai District
I am very happy to advise that together with the help of Khun Saylon, Khun Pemiga was able to deliver more clothes especially 24 new sweatpants to students in Hwa Yuak who could benefit from them. Thank you for helping us to deliver support to these students. We are preparing a new box to be forwarded in the next few weeks. This has also helped one student from the PAKA district. More updates to follow.
24 sweatpants delivered
Thank you Khun Gratthai and Kun Saylon
Recipients of Hwa Yuak
They look happy: Makes us happy!
He will grow!!!!
Good job!
January 17 UPDATE 2023
I am very happy to announce that with the help of Khun Gratthai (currently an SSNP officer) and a RMRTP volunteer for our past and present projects,she has been able to deliver a box of good quality clothing and an allocation for school clothing items to be identified for Hwa Yuak students. My thanks to my son Khun Chris for his logistics support and for organizing the delivery.We are always happy to support those who can benefit and we will look for opportunities to continue to do what we can.
More updates to follow.
Thank you for always helping others!
Good wishes to students and people
of Hwa Yuak!
Clothes put to good use
Thanks also to Khun Chris
As a result of COVID restrictions in 2020 and following
government guidelines all direct projects were
stopped except online teaching support via
Line or What App to help those wishing to
practice English or prepare for exams.
January 28 UPDATE 2021
Our "silent wings" have continued to fly......silently!
We have been recently able to make further small scholarship awards directly to a number of selected students all of whom were ex students from the Sukothai area. I would like to thank the biggest sponsor of this round Francesco Resteghini (Italy) and his family (Annalisa, Irene, Celestino, Niccolo') for the solidarity, belief in and generous support to Thai students. The students were able to contact Francesco via e mail. Students were selected for their ongoing effort and commitment to better themselves. Students names will remain confidential. We love you and we believe in you. Keep up your efforts.
As a result of the hardships imposed by the current medical crisis, I am happy to advise that Skipper John has once again contributed a special budget to support Thai students in need that have been trustworthy and engaged with their studies. Many rural students are facing hardships today and the long drought has not helped. I will be reaching out to those that have proven themselves over time shortly and with whom we are in direct contact.
We will try our best to be close to those that need such assistance. Unfortunately our help will be limited. The photos of recipients will be posted in the password protected site and will not be public.
Thank you so much once again!
Helping others to bloom!
January 2020 AVI EDU
Sharing passion for aviation and all
exciting technology!

With thanks to Khun A.Wiguna
Young students have a great chance now
to use technology in a positive way!
Young students have a great chance now
to use technology in a positive way!

Great possibilities exist for those who don't
give up!
The future skills required for students to succeed in any field, especially technology depends on the quality of both students and the education system.
For the students, as we have said many times, it is necessary to develop concentration, discipline, focus and a positive attitude. For education we mean providing students with a good level of ENGLISH and the knowledge necessary to prepare them for future choices.
For the students, as we have said many times, it is necessary to develop concentration, discipline, focus and a positive attitude. For education we mean providing students with a good level of ENGLISH and the knowledge necessary to prepare them for future choices.
Through the increasing evolution of technology many students have the chance to learn faster and have far more knowledge than their parents and all previous generations. But we need to guide these efforts so that students can develop a vision of their future interests. For students who wish to study but have economic difficulties the armed forces can provide an income and training if one really wants to study technology.
I also wish thank Khun Somchai K. (scroll below) for sharing some Thai Army (Air Wing) amazing moments with all who love flying. The military have great, very talented people and a high level of technological skills. Worldwide. in many countries they have huge budgets to develop new technological applications (that later become civilian applications) so they are often on the leading edge.
I also wish thank Khun Somchai K. (scroll below) for sharing some Thai Army (Air Wing) amazing moments with all who love flying. The military have great, very talented people and a high level of technological skills. Worldwide. in many countries they have huge budgets to develop new technological applications (that later become civilian applications) so they are often on the leading edge.
Encouraging and sharing, creating curiosity
are extrenmely important in child development.
Rural students, like their urban counterparts possess many talents that can bring benefit tothemselves and to their country. Early exposure to all possibilities is very important.
Students can learn in a variety of settings...
They will know far more and have access to
more information than the previous
It is all our responsibility to help
and support them.
and support them.
For those that want to study but need financial resources, the Military - Royal Thai Army (Army, Navy, Air Force) is a good place to study and to learn. Its a tough journey but the armed forces provide excellent training and offer many opportunities especially in the technology field.

Helicopter technology has evolved greatly...it requires
high focus, effort and alertness.
high focus, effort and alertness.

All types of aircraft are involved in
different missions. Spotting, search & rescue and
different missions. Spotting, search & rescue and

Fantastic shot taken from another 'copter.

Troops and stores are ferried as well as rescuing lives.

Air combo...

More recent and high tech machines...many changes
since the early 60's and 70's...continued need for
more design and build talent/skills.
since the early 60's and 70's...continued need for
more design and build talent/skills.
Discipline and focus are needed in all fields!
Its what ensures success!
Its what ensures success!

They do it well.

A cockpit, whether helicopter or plane
keeps you very busy. You sleep on the job,
and you seal your fate.
keeps you very busy. You sleep on the job,
and you seal your fate.

Used in both civilian and military training.

Reach for the sky....beyond the clouds
But keep your feet on the ground.

Thanks for sharing Khun Gusma
Electrical, mechanical, electronic, hydraulic, avionics etc...
Electrical, mechanical, electronic, hydraulic, avionics etc...

Andre Mouton capturing an acrobatic team in action.
Teamwork is critical for every field.
Teamwork is critical for every field.

M Hinic showing us a really tough transport plane that can
pull off many tricks
pull off many tricks

M Ciulla: air shows are great places to learn

Jack Redgate reminding us of growing technological
fields: drones are developing fast for fun, professional
nd military applications.
fields: drones are developing fast for fun, professional
nd military applications.
Sanfun Pumyim Club
I was invited to join a special group of people in a massive school support project. About 300 volunteers and their families from international companies in Ayutthaya and other local companies have been supporting these two rural district schools by building infrastructure and improving the quality of life for students and teachers. Firstly I would like to thank Khun Dar (our longtime RMRTP supporter) for the incredibly hard work to help provide treats and food for students from the primary schools in Ban Rai. A very big thank you to Khun Somnuck T. (Magnecomp) for supporting a truly amazing event that saw many activities and gifts provided to about 150 students. My appreciation to the Obortor, Puyai Ban, the volunteer Tor Cho Dor (Royal Thai Border Police) and staff who provided hands on support for this event. Also congratulation to the Por Ors of the two schools in Ban Bun and teacher Tan for doing such an amazing job teaching English. Being in such a remote location is not easy and there are many challenges for both students and teachers. I also had the chance to meet and talk to several students some of whom were not afraid to try and talk to a farang. We were able to offer gifts, dictionaries and a sponsorship to the most courageous student Mr Gheb (Thongbai J.) See below.
A packed pick up ready for action...
Kids on site ready to play and eat!
Khun Dar and sisters on the job preparing
The school is nestled in a valley...
The cold did not deter Khun Dar from
cooking fried bananas and tarot for
The most popular fried bananas in Thailand...
Local officials on the job!
Obortor, deputies, Puyai and senior staff...
More student fun!
School Director Chai welcoming sponsors and
Khun Somnuck T (Magnecomp) as MOC
Congratulations on an excellent job!
Kids always have great fun at these events!
Remembering a great King!
200 candles lit in loving memory!
A special student: not afraid to come
and practice with a complete stranger!
For his efforts he was awarded a
comprehensive bilingual dictionary and
a scholarship, the only one offered on this
Teacher Tan with her top student Dream
who also received a dictionary.
Of course teacher Tan received the mega
version for doing such a good job!
Student Pai a volunteer family
member received one for her
English skills....
As well as her very smart brother!