Engaged in two very interconnected fronts: the first is that of researching and perfecting our knowledge of Manifestation (principles and process) as a tool to empower gifted people with limited opportunities, in order to help them to fully express their potential. We embrace HM the late King's vision and ideals for helping people to become more empowered without exploiting and eroding the resources of the environment. (http://www.chaipat.or.th/chaipat_english/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4103&)
The second is to actually work on the co-operative conditions providing support in the areas of:
1) Education: enabling people with talent to fully express their abilities
2) Supporting Individuals & Organizations that actively promote the development of talent compassion and "Higher consciousness". We select and highlight causes that we fully believe in and respect and that are engaged in advancing the understanding of our potential as evolving conscious beings.
This is a bit like a planting of seeds analogy: a seed may have the potential to become a pine tree however if starved of water and good soil it will not fulfill its inherent purpose.
Are you a nonprofit Foundation?
No! We are a very small group of dedicated caring enthusiasts who believe in and act in providing support in the above areas. We neither receive nor seek public donations or Corporate funding. This makes it easier to operate more autonomously, each person contributing directly to the causes that they feel more inclined to support or invite interested parties to support such activities. This is enormously time saving and cost effective. We are a support group and any teaching activities are provided free of any charges. In fact we offer materials and prizes to students with the help of interested supporters.
There is a lot of Buddhist content on your site. Is there a Buddhist agenda?
The only agenda is that which we set ourselves described above. Some of us are Buddhist but we embrace all points of view that are rooted in their original core beliefs: we respect Buddhist, Muslim, Sufi, Hindu, Vedic, Christian etc...we look at the needs and it is not just Buddhists that we have reached out to. In fact our main tenet is to support the expression of talent as well as the conditions to nourish such talent wherever it may be found: irrespective of gender, physical challenges, religious beliefs, political beliefs...a beautiful flower is a beautiful flower no matter in which soil or which country it grows.
On what basis do you select projects? What are the criteria?
"All hands on deck projects" are selected pretty much on the basis of: level of need, the urgency of meeting that need and the demonstration of a genuine effort and results. "All hands on deck" projects involve different contributors and always require logistical and sustained support. Where an urgent need has been identified and the conditions exist to support it, we try to make it happen.
The criteria for accepting and renewing a project (extending it) are:
A) Socio-economic factors: providing volunteer English and other educational support where parents
are limited by income to provide additional tuition support
B) The openness and eagerness of the school/community to request and receive such support
C) Signs of actual progress in the student population's results
D) The lack of available resources given the school size and location
E) Logistical conditions exist to sustain the project.
Do you work with NGO's or Companies?
No we do not work on behalf of any Company or other organization that is serving its own interests. On fact we are not an organization. It is important to keep completely neutral and free from any possible conditioning also with regards to the students. We do not seek publicity and likewise this work cannot be used to promote other causes either directly or indirectly. Having said this, any such entity is welcome to approach the schools or communities if it wishes to help. Under very exceptional circumstances we may allow some third party help where we believe that the motivation is untainted by self-interest.
How can others contribute to your cause?
Visit the sites featured on our link and if you like them go ahead and sign up. It's your choice entirely and we do not even need to know. As for "local operations" since we accept no funding the hands-on activities and contributions are done through our circle directly and many seek no recognition and prefer to be anonymous. Therefore this is more difficult at present as it is more limited to those directly around us. If you feel strongly about a cause and would like to have more information please contact us.
Why do you refuse donations?
It would require us to have a formal structure and bureaucratic processes that at present we are unwilling to take on. We prefer to have contributions done "from the heart" not just from the wallet. This direct involvement is more reliable and satisfactory for those involved. If people are directly involved in causes they believe in they will see the results first hand and there is no need for an intermediary to process or certify them. Also, there is freedom of choice in the selection of the cause that is very personal. Some contributors support food and "shelter", some sponsor Education, others prefer to support higher consciousness initiatives. What is important is that the causes are heart felt...everything else just rolls out naturally after that.
Why do you post daily updates?
During our project cycles, it is very important for those following us to understand what progress is being made. Many of our friends and supporters cannot come and visit us directly on location, so it is a courtesy to them to keep them informed of our activities. We have friends following us from the US, Canada, Europe, Thailand, India and South Africa. Some of our web site friends have provided a lot of support that has been given as prizes, school materials, clothes, toys and grants in the past. Recently a very kind sponsor from the US saw this project and asked us how she may be able to help. As mentioned before we accept no money: all prizes, equipment and support come directly from those who care about you, about your schools and about the support that you might need to have a good opportunity in life. It also helps us to share cultural aspects that many do not know anything about.
Why is this called the Rainbow Makers and why the colour blue?
There is a complete explanation in a tab that addresses the first question: "Why the Rainbow Makers?".
As for the second question, deep blue reflects the vastness of space and our unlimited consciousness (formerly purple/deep red/ochre/saffron also spiritual colours). The lotus and the central OM represent the pathway to our essential nature: the method, means and destination which is beyond any form, colour or description. Some of these logos were co designed with one of our best students.
What is the RMRTP ultimate vision?
What inspires volunteering efforts ?
Summary of key areas of focus and support:
Aim & Vision
• To create the conditions to identify, sponsor and support the best students or talented candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds
• To create the supportive conditions and a process to enable the expression of talent of those with potential to allow them to enrich and to contribute to their societies
Fields for consideration:
• Technology: especially growth technology i.e: engineering, IT, aviation, technical
• Traditional sciences: arts, nursing, medicine, first aid, agriculture, teaching and traditional counselling, community work
• Alternative sciences (primary): green technology (all fields), traditional medicine and healing, both physical and spiritual
• Promotion of educators and Institutions operating in the above fields
Candidate qualities
• Must have consistently displayed outstanding discipline, aptitude and talent in one of the target fields identified
• Must be of high integrity and community-minded
• May come from any background, religion or social background but not have the financial access to developing their talent
• No restriction will be placed on the selection of any suitable candidate as regards gender, sexual orientation, physical handicaps or religious/political affiliations
The Dream: “I soar to benefit”…
Releasing/manifesting individual potential to benefit others: it is TIME!
The logo has a Latin motto: it means
"Free to fly, Free to choose"
What is the meaning of the wings?
For us the meaning of the wings we wear on our T shirts and logo symbolizes the possibility of flying to the highest level of achievement possible. Fulfilling our potential and becoming all that we can be is the only way we can fly above many of life's challenges. The eagle also symbolizes the ability to soar high in an infinite sky...the ultimate freedom is the ability to choose your life.
What is the cadet system all about?
In some situations where discipline and focus are IMPORTANT we sponsor a school cadet team that includes all those who accept sponsorships as a means of representing their schools and building self confidence. I grew up in a cadet schooling system in South Africa, used to this very day. Where we lack funds for music bands and instruments which bigger schools have, a drill team can put up quite a show to represent the school. Our money is used instead to sponsor field trips and English projects. Since everything done is on a volunteer basis and free of charge its also a way for students to repay the kindness of those supporting them. The cadet system is rigorous but not harsh. It also has been seen to increase energy and attention span pre classes.
The belief in the talent possibilities that can be expressed by all individuals. We recognize that for some, socio-economic circumstances can limit their possibility to emerge: an area of focus needs to be on health, clothing and nutrition for many candidates immediate environment.
Summary of key areas of focus and support:
1) Cooperative conditions: health, nutrition, healing, immediate environment
2) Expression of Talent (Education): identification of talent and individual gifts
3) Institutions promoting advancement in Cognition Development and Higher Consciousness
Aim & Vision
• To create the conditions to identify, sponsor and support the best students or talented candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds
• To create the supportive conditions and a process to enable the expression of talent of those with potential to allow them to enrich and to contribute to their societies
Fields for consideration:
• Technology: especially growth technology i.e: engineering, IT, aviation, technical
• Traditional sciences: arts, nursing, medicine, first aid, agriculture, teaching and traditional counselling, community work
• Alternative sciences (primary): green technology (all fields), traditional medicine and healing, both physical and spiritual
• Promotion of educators and Institutions operating in the above fields
Candidate qualities
• Must have consistently displayed outstanding discipline, aptitude and talent in one of the target fields identified
• Must be of high integrity and community-minded
• May come from any background, religion or social background but not have the financial access to developing their talent
• No restriction will be placed on the selection of any suitable candidate as regards gender, sexual orientation, physical handicaps or religious/political affiliations
In any research, we need to study multiple sources and contrasting viewpoints that are confusing for those not directly engaged in a research project. The huge volume and content of information is all related to manifestation which expresses itself at both the macro and the micro-level. 2012 was the source of many emotions, prophecies and attributions so it was a unique opportunity to study the social responses to such a meaningful timeline. Manifestation has a collective dimension as well as an individual one.
Example: a major solar X flare could take out all digital systems overnight: this would affect our planet, governments, societies, individuals and so on.
This study in which today multiple researchers are engaged is very relevant to what we know about the expression of phenomena. Material is already being published by different researchers in many countries, including scientists and mainstream thinkers breaking out of the historical conditioning paradigms of limitation.
Are you going to publish any of your work? Where can we see it?
Actually, topic material covered on this site has been published since the beginning of 2013 and will continue to be released under different authors and publications in Europe and the US. This was a cooperative exchange and mining of data covering the parameters indicated above.
What is Frollie the Frog all about. I don't get it!
This can be seen in two ways, leaving it up to you to decide how to interpret it.
The first is to view this as a parody of channeling mediums and tries to take a satirical look at a diffuse subject that is the source of decades old daily communications and predictions around end times, 2012 and the new Golden Age - with which many have become either disappointed or addicted. But to understand it you need to explore this world and the many writers that populate it asserting their direct link to various star beings and systems. Given their claims to be conduits for "heavenly interventions" and information around these "prophecies" they naturally were and are an important part of the research project. Whilst we do not rule out such possibilities or experiences we focus on empirical factual indicators of their own predictions and ideologies.
The second is that just as these channels assert their reality, so do we exercise that same right. After all who is to say that Frollie is not one of many expressions of conscious energy that may appear in the same way that others do? Naturally all references to individuals are completely fictitious and do not represent any actual person or entity in existence.
What is the criteria for inclusion in the Honour's list?
The people that we include in the Honours List are those that we have known for a very long time )colleagues, friends) and that deserve this small act of appreciation for the enormous amount of giving that has characterized their existence. This giving is not only confined to their support of this project but they have been proactively engaged in many initiatives with the purpose of benefiting others. And their effort is truly remarkable.
What are you expecting in return for all these efforts?
We hope that like any magnificent garden we will have contributed to creating a multitude of flowers: strong, highly individual, beautiful, enriching and inspiring. We hope that our legacy as "gardeners" is one of enabling creative processes that will enhance our planet at a time when it is sorely needed.
The needs are so great, why do you think that you will make a difference?
The needs are indeed great in most societies. It not just us that are and will make a difference but all those who like us, are committed to doing something about bringing about a better quality of life and inspiration for others. Any picture needs every single dot of paint: you leave some out and the colours fade. Everyone can make a difference and can add to this creation. We may not know who some of those people are, many will not know who we are. It does not matter. We are all inevitably joined in creating something that will sum up to be greater than our individual or group efforts. We all begin life with enormous potential and little else. The extent to which we are able to create a beautiful future depends on ourselves and those that extend a hand to help us. Every grain of sand counts.
Talented Ukrainian artist: Simonova Kseniya
The Miracle of the Brain
With or without us please support the development of talent in any way that you can !
Developing creativity and potential has never been more critical for our collective advancement.