A Conversational extract: MANIFESTATION
(Beyond 2012)
(Beyond 2012)
(or The Harnessing and Manipulation of energies)
Protocol 33998-12/4/16/LD/RV3
(Published in the RSA, Johannesburg GAUTENG)
(Published in the RSA, Johannesburg GAUTENG)
(for detailed references and parameters please see Research on Manifestation site)
It is not possible to consider the context of the overwhelming 2012 expectations regarding the dawning of a new global consciousness outside of a critical and very important variable. That of MANIFESTATION and its CONNECTION to REALITY as we have been conditioned to accept it. What has become evident is that more than any other time in the past century 2012 acted as a pivotal focus or a catalyst during and after which the current existential matrix was and is being increasingly exposed for the illusion that it is. This, undoubtedly thanks to the expansion of the internet and related "connective technologies" bringing us information in real time.
There are growing movements of both credible individuals and organizations that appear to reflect a greater degree of awakening consciousness across many expressions and fields of our society.
(The Venus Project, Thrive, Charter for Compassion, Playing for Change, Info Wars, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr Maseru Emoto)

"You are what you think"
This knowledge has been historically confined to few empowered powerful people who used these latent capabilities and inner and outer energies in order to produce their desired results.

Chinese and other emperors/dictators used these forces (such as Feng Shui), divination, astrology and so on, with varying degree of success, to mostly further their own aims, forbidding such knowledge to the rest of their citizenry.
What is astounding is that this "Metaphysical" thread is a covert yet plausible driving force for decisions throughout all cultures (both in the West and East) and it is no longer a secret that many prominent “anybody’s that are somebody” are or have been associated with movements (cliques, guilds, brotherhoods, oath bound societies, political/economic clubs and councils) reliant on activating archetypal symbolism and intention (focused energy) in order to fulfill their goals. Though these may possess different costumes and rituals, they are all mostly focused on producing their non altruistic and egocentric outcomes through focused intention. (See open web references to Yale's Skull & Bones et al).* *(These movements do depend on untainted individuals of goodwill who may well be outsiders to more secretive inner circles who define the real agendas).
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfi8FIh7tsU Traitors within)
That this is nothing benign is by now painfully clear to all: the premise is simple. Considering that there is enough wealth and there are alternative resources, know how and technology in this world to feed, clothe and generally stimulate the well being and prosperity of each living person on it, we need to determine who is really benefiting from this bounty and why it has not reached out to lift millions of people out of abject poverty. After all, governments aside (that are mainly the fronts for the financial power structures), wealthy religious, independent charitable foundations and spiritual movements, brotherhoods and foundations have as their stated core mission the upliftment of their communities..
(Except alternative opposites such as mafias. triads, gangs, cartels, organized dynasties which share similar rituals and where nonetheless there is a social spin off albeit the result of direct coercive effort). All such networks do engage in philanthropic (tax deductible where allowed) activities which almost certainly constitute a fragment of their accumulated wealth.
Many of these cliques are also now known to be the homes to many influential and powerful people from all sectors of society: political, educational, criminal (overlap), military and law enforcement, banking, education, scientists etc.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8HTr-F-FVM - John F Kennedy)
Examining the effectiveness of such movements or institutions historically we can determine from the relevant literature that whilst some of these may well have been conceived with lofty ideals, many were in fact "hijacked" and replaced by forces whose intent was quite the opposite and whose efforts were and are self serving. The expose’of lodges such as the Italian P2 lodge and the subsequent investigation and judicial findings opened our eyes to what really goes on behind their closed doors.
You would naturally conclude that since such organizations yield great power, some tangible benefit would be perceived in societies that are supposed to be a part of their social development goals.
So again the answer is resoundingly clear: the same small club of wheeler dealers and their associates constantly benefit no matter how many times tables may be overturned in the course of history. It boils down to those that control power, energy resources and debt (financial systems).
Controlling Energy Reality
The original purpose of all the original religious traditions was in fact to lead Homo Sapiens to a journey of liberation from the world of conditioned phenomena. Such spiritual "tools" were however promptly subverted by those motivated by egoistic and power considerations much in the same way that the neighbourhood gang blends into a community and exploits it. In order to maintain the status quo, the "elite" or the roughly 1% of those that control global wealth need to maintain a certain level of social instability and feed off (quite literally) what we may define as a "low energy constructed reality".This means that conflicts over resources (wars), strife, illnesses, social divisions are their source of great wealth and prosperity.

We can also add to this "confusional" matrix the increasingly deliberate obfuscation of sexual, religious, political, ideological and economic agendas designed to weaken, confuse and again control social economic outcomes.
(https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/mapping-digital-media-liability-content-internet-20110926.pdf - https://mafiagenealogy.wordpress.com/2016/05/02/the-enemy-within-church-state-freemasonry-and-the-mafia)
Harnessing Energy reality
It is now a more widely accepted fact that planet Earth is a living organism pulsating with energy much is the same way that different parts of our body radiate currents of energy. And all energy can be harnessed.
That many Holy Sites were built on such powerful energy ley lines is also now established as fact for consideration and although main stream science has not attributed any significance to this aspect of our existence, it is interesting to note that many such “historical sites” spanning from South America through Europe, India, SE Asia and the Middle East have been mainly controlled up until recently by “strong men” or dictators who managed decades of power at the expense of their people.
(Think of South America, China, Tibet, Egypt, Cambodia, Myanmar and other Middle Eastern historical spiritual sites).
We have witnessed the most incredible manipulation of energy for several millenia in order to further the goals of lineages of a small number of well placed individuals. It is my belief that most agenda’s that can be identified as “metaphysical” are about harnessing and controlling powerful subliminal energies to manifest desired realities.
Probably the first to realize this potential were the early mystics and yogis both in the East and West who were able to recognize the transformational power of mind consciousness through their meditative practices. Thus were great Saints produced in the West preceded by great masters of Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism as well as "enlightened" philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle etc.
Many practiced secretly in order to escape the attention of the power structures that were built up and consolidated around originally pure teachings.and endured persecution. Others were persuaded that this knowledge should not be released except to worthy adepts to prevent the exploitation of these techniques for power purposes. However the latter intent was not successful.
In recent years, especially over the last decade, we have seen an increasing number of revealing data and literature from a number of sources on learning to manifest our reality. One of the earliest post world war proponents of this art was Napoleon Hill who in the sixties produced a “Think and grow rich” series of teachings based on his research into success that dealt with the principles of manifestation . (also see John Earl Shoaff and James "Jim" Rohn) wikipedia. His belief that "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is at the core of all manifestation or personal success teachings.
Contemporary writers such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Eckart Tolle, Esther Hicks, David Icke and countless others have expanded these beliefs and made them even more accessible to an increasing number of people.
The Light and the Dark referred to in all theological currents and new age movements and the terrific hierarchies of beings that populate them are essentially manifested energy fields, capable of either being used for constructive and evolutionary purposes or for destructive and manipulative ones.
When aspirations and clear intention are coupled with external energy fields the amplification and combination of these will yield extremely powerful results.
Empirical indicators suggest that the more the intention and aspiration is held by groups of people, the faster this is able to manifest into a concrete reality.
This would explain the numerous brotherhoods, secret societies and rituals the world over whose purpose is to continue to activate such energies and manifest and perpetuate their aims, their wealth and power.
The way out:
"The opposite of the way in"
The "New Earth" is here and now! Having understood the illusion that is for many existence through debt and strife and having ceased to support the absurd economic-political control structures equals the only way forward. This New Earth lies in a parallel dimension of compassion and a deep awareness of the interconnection of our animate and inanimate worlds. It is based, not on strip mining every conceivable form of resources, including our minds, but on a system of genuine justice, a model of shared alternative innovations and creativity.
As expected, the ET's did not and will not descend to bail us out from our historical darkness and inertia and arrest the much maligned CABAL that we ourselves have unwittingly supported and solidified through collective ignorance. It is up to us, interacting intelligently with a conscious universe that will create heaven on earth. No one else will. The road is long: the first footprints that have appeared in the sands of our time have been joined by a multitude of others....
Credit: Pexels
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.
Match the frequency of the reality that you want
and you cannot help but get that reality.
It can be no other way. This is not philosophy,
this is physics.”
Albert Einstein
Among all the sources listed on the main page "Research on manifestation" I would like to reflect the work done by and the information provided/shared by the following sources:
Dr Maria Orsini (proofreading/critique)
Mr Foster and Ms Kimberly Gamble
Eckart Tolle
Karen Armstrong (Charter for Compassion)
Peter Schiff
Mark Faber
David Icke
Esther Hicks
Sir Ken Robinson
Dr Fritjof Capra
Gary Zukav
Dr Maseru Emoto
Dr Rupert Sheldrake
David Icke
HH The Dalai Lama
HH The 17th Karmapa (Orgyen Trinley Dorje)
THE VENUS PROJECT - https://www.thevenusproject.com/
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL - https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/research/
INTERPOL - http://www.interpol.int/ (Cybercrime/internet)
EUROPOL - https://www.europol.europa.eu/ec3/(Cybercrime/internet)
The Venus Project documentary
ADDENDUM March 2017
Following the publication of this abstract more windows have opened to expand current insights. Firstly we have begun to see the real existence of a shadow global power structure (more and more referred to now openly in media including some main stream). The election of the new US president, a revolt in Europe (Brexit), the potential swing of the French to a Frexit et al have revealed the frustrations and anger with the long suspected connections between corporate and institutional powers: financial, industrial, media, political etc. We have been living accepting an illusion fronted by the constructed reality we perceive and that is beginning to unravel. In other words it is clearer who the actors are who have and are yielding real global influence. The apparent divides across all facets of our world are being and will be shown to have been artificially constructed. The divide and rule doctrine (cold war) East and West, Russia, Balkans, Africa, the Middle East, will reveal startling connections between their masters. Conspiracy theorists are now being proved to be more and more Conspiracy realists.
Events such as the seemingly “out of control” immigration phenomena will be shown to have been a deliberate strategy with the goal of confusing cultural identities in society, homogenize people and cultures and produce a plentiful low cost work force. A new global identity if you will of the new world order. The debt problem, generated by the financial and reserve banking system is equally a part of the integrated stratagem. Hyper regulation of economic activity and taxation are a tool for abolishing the middle class over time and the perfect tool for controlling people. In countries such as Italy and Greece this is already well advanced. The former unelected Prime Minister (Monti) was symbolic of the “austerity” weapon. The well-being of the EU people is not the first and foremost consideration. The EU parliament yields greater and greater power without accountability by its people. The central banks are in charge. After all whoever controls debt, controls nations and its resources.
There is now a wealth of data available from the internet that is present in the form of a huge virtual jig saw. The pieces of this puzzle are in fact video, written testimony from ex-employees, scientists, academics, researchers, intelligence officials, NASA, the industrial military complex etc. Like any 1000 piece jig saw it takes time to assemble the pieces but they are there.
Those that manipulate markets and world events have been groomed in the art of the yin/yang construct. Thus we see the play of a good face exemplified by politicians and corporate visions that declare values that are always sensible, altruistic and highly noble. The reverse also plays out: say what people need to hear and yet do what is expedient or pleasurable at the cost of those same values. Thus a multitude of corporations/institutions have been caught out compromising safety, human rights, integrity and acting in direct opposition to those values. Just about every institution on earth is caught up in the same game. Many religions have revealed their satanic side. Science and Medicine have leant themselves to the darkest of covert experiments on humanity, politicians are front me for financial powers, banks loan money that does not exist and ask for interest on money they do not hold, schools that provide good education are by design for the limited few..…no one sector is immune from being used for this ultimate power agenda. To set an example, lower minions usually face prosecution or some consequence whilst those at the top of this grotesque exploitative chain almost always land on soft turf.
The growing awareness of the fact that things we see and hear are the opposite of what really is, is the foundation upon which our civilization will transform. Whilst the MSM are preoccupied with trivia, the facts of Fukushima (perhaps not as important to the elite as an imaginary Russian threat) and other real issues are being ignored in a massive attempt to focus us away from realizing what is going on!
"We live now in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy education, government destroys freedom, press destroys information, religion destroys morals and our banks destroy the economy".
Chris Hedges
Pacific Radio Speech (date unknown)