21 May, 2017


All the various thoughts are laid out like the features of a game,
For the child-like power of awareness to play with non-attachment,
The old mothers of the six realms take their seats as compassion's focus,
And the offerings, sources of merit, are shared by dedication’s skilful hands.

All this talk of realising and seeing, it’s all so hollow!
Forget bliss and clarity, they’re just temporary highs!
Cultivate emptiness of which compassion is the essence,
And your own and others’ welfare is assured, it’s said.

Even a hundred years of exertion born of expectation for reward,
Will only postpone the supreme accomplishment, we're told.
But on the path of the six pāramitās free from the seven attachments,
Even without enlightenment in this lifetime, there'll be no regret!