22 October, 2012

When inspiration strikes

Everything has a life of its own - even insights.
Some insights last longer than others,
but all insights eventually
tire the continually inspired pilgrim.
The only real insight is the One
that is conceived
outside of known traditions.
Is the Mind a tradition or a religion?
Why do we program our mind to think along
certain lines of convention?
Gods are a convention of religion but the Mind is not.
Why do we try to mix the two?
Insight into the Mind is a product of the Mind.
Why hide behind symbols and doctrines?
When One with the Mind,
I Am not thinking about Its alleged qualities and forms;
nor Am I thinking of any of the known definitions
of It.
All religious hypocrisy
over this doctrine or that doctrine
is close to useless, especially to the Mind.
Doctrines, in the long run, cannot give adequate shelter.
Only insight can.
Insights always inspire the Way of the inspired pilgrim.
by Julian Colgan
Blue Cross and Shining Sunset Academy (Copyright)

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