27 November, 2012

In the deepest of oceans lies a great fish 
who is also a great bird when outside 
of its native territories. 
Residing in heaven's pond, 
this great fish lifts itself out of its 
own conditioning to become a whirling mass of energy. 
Flying through the air, 
what greater wonder is there than a fish 
who can fly and a bird who can swim 
for an indefinite amount of time 
under the lake beds of normal consciousness. 
Energy is the collective breathing of oceanic 
and sky bound entities. 
Is the color of the sky as far reaching as it seems 
and is the sky an ocean and the ocean a sky? 
Adopting the vision of super conscious entities, 
what is ridiculous to the earth bound entities 
is not so to the boundless entities. 
If the water of your mind is not deep enough, 
then nothing that is significantly heavy 
will decide to remain within you to float 
around the perimeters of your consciousness. 
If the air of your contemplations 
is not thick enough, 
then the bird of transcendence 
will find some other place to flap its ancient wings. 
Pigeons and other miniscule birds 
openly mock the great bird, 
saying that its travels and destinations 
leads nowhere but home. 
In reality, the great bird's journey 
is what makes it more than great 
and more than capable of leading thousands 
of small minded birds back to the real home of the Tao. 
Those who are possessed of a small fund of knowledge 
cannot naturally understand those who 
have knowledge up to the rim of infinity. 
In like manner, those who are of ill experience 
cannot naturally relate to those who 
are the fundamental principle behind all possible phenomena. 
Timed by an ever winding clock, 
vegetation does not endure for longer 
than a night and a day 
and bugs of the night do not often 
make it to the next coming minute second. 
Short lived and ill tempered is that entity 
which wants to live longer 
than it should, could or would. 
There once lived a tree in the center of the Tao. 
Enduring for eight hundred springs 
and eight hundred falls, 
what can we, who live no less than eighty years, 
say about life in its sum totality? 
So small and insignificant are we 
who are predisposed to attaining mediocrity 
or perfection in just one general area of life 
or in just one intellectual skill. 
The true sage laughs at all of life, 
knowing what others praise 
is not worth the time that it takes 
in order for it to become praiseworthy. 
Not budging an instance for 
those who are attached to distinguishing 
between what is internal and what is external, 
the boundaries of the mind dissolves back 
into the natural awareness of the Tao. 
The true sage rides on the winds of heaven 
just as he rides on a wild and free horse. 
Travelling to the outermost limits of consciousness, 
no name and no self is all that is desired. 
Meeting someone who is capable of giving 
discourses on the most wonderful of phenomena 
for rivers on end, that crazy fool said that 
there were men who were as fine as dragons 
and as versatile as cosmic energy. 
Capable of living indefinitely, 
who is to believe the mad rantings of the Tao. 
The Tao, responding, says that 
the blind cannot see the light of day 
and therefore cannot appreciate 
the wild and tame tides of infinite existences. 
Deaf to the sound of wisdom, 
look elsewhere besides your mind 
for real knowledge of cosmic energy and cosmic events. 
Uniting everything into one great entity, 
the troubles of politics and social societies 
are as unnoticeable by the Tao 
as a morning star is to normal finite perceptions. 
Left with a huge old tree, 
do not consider its ultimate function 
to be based on whether it is useable 
by small minded bird like entities. 
Planting the tree of your heart 
in the infinite emptiness of nothingness, 
sleep under its cosmic branches 
of protection and freeing knowledge. 
No axe man being brave enough 
to attempt cutting away at its unending roots, 
the Tao is perceived as useless to those 
who think that they are ultimately useful. 
As humble as dirt, allow the Tao 
to step all over your pride 
so that you may be able to see 
what is truly enduring and useful 
and what is of cosmic and planetary significance. 
Humbled by the Tao, 
fortunate are those who hear from you. 
                                Emptinessofmind.blogspot.ca by

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