01 December, 2012

Sutra Of Innumerable Meanings - The Ten Merits Of Buddhahood

From where does this sutra of innumerable meanings
come from, where does it go and where does
it settle down in, o World Teacher?
Pleased through hearing this question posed to him,
the Buddha responds to the inquiries
of the Bodhisattva of Great Adornment.
Coming from the mind of infinity,
it passes through and settles down in the mind of infinity.
Going nowhere, it leaves from nowhere.
Leaving from nowhere, be at peace.
Being at peace, be with the Buddha nature.
The first merit of this sutra
is that it makes every negative quality into a positive quality
and every positive quality into a formless teaching of the Dharma Wheel.
Overcoming hatred through love
and love through wisdom,
wisdom is what eradicates the darkest aspects
of a living being's heart.
The second merit of this sutra
is that from just one seed or one thought,
a whole ocean of penetrating realizations is produced.
Multiplying in meaning each time
it is read and meditated upon,
the lightning bolt of illumination
encompasses every topic that is worthy of study.
Like a single raindrop,
the raindrop that manages to sink
to the bottom of the fertile soils of the mind
produces an unending amount of healthy and life affirming thoughts.
The third merit of this sutra
is that it can make any practitioner
into a bodhisattva overnight.
Wrestling with fear and anxiety,
either on an individual or planetary scale,
a bodhisattva is born into this world
for the purpose of lifting the meaning
of birthlessness to the born state of every living being.
Though not personally delivered
from the clutches of Mara,
a practitioner of this sutra can perform miracles
in the blink of an eye.
Thinking that you are ignorant of being a bodhisattva,
weakness of heart is what gives a practitioner strength of heart.
Having strength to serve, serve the good qualities of mindfulness.
The fourth merit of this sutra
is that even the most neophyte
of minds will be able to explain
its deeper meanings to others
with the ease of a slowly passing cloud.
The Buddha King and Sutra Queen
grab onto a practitioner's Buddha nature,
nurturing the arising Bodhisattva Son
with the emptiness of love and wisdom.
Combining into a perfected Buddha,
who can say that the Buddha does not live in you or he or she?
The fifth merit of this sutra
is that it can bestow the joy of compassion
and the propensity to make any practitioner
share the internal wealth of Buddhahood
with beggars and kings, alongside scholars and idiots.
The sixth merit of this sutra
is that it will close the gap
that exists between me and the world
since those who are devoted to these innumerable meanings
will preach as I am now doing.
Entrusted with a nation of bodhisattvas,
who else is there but me to interpret
and understand my own teachings and laws?
The seventh merit of this sutra
is that it will push everyone
in the direction of immediate enlightenment.
Perfected in the six perfections
by way of being empty,
the sons and daughters of the 
King and the Queen of the Dharma
will personally inherit the bodhisattva nation
as a gift of my charitable heart.
The eight merit of this sutra
is that it will make the mind pure enough
to convert even Buddhas.
Armed with a strong faith in the truth of emptiness,
anything can be accomplished since the Buddha
is the beginning and end of all accomplishments.
The ninth merit of this sutra
is that it will empower those who want to be empowered
into becoming the abode of omniscient mindfulness
and omnipresent compassion.
Simultaneously in all directions,
the mind of enlightenment spreads far and wide
for the benefit of every living being
who is caught in the trap of thinking
that they are worthless and without dignity.
The tenth merit of this sutra
is that it will provide enough medicine
for ordinary living beings to become more than extraordinary.
Uplifting ordinariness into emptiness
and emptiness into compassion,
the compassionate root of the Law
of Buddhahood
is a kind and clear mind that is free
of the desire to be free in relation to others
who are not free or who refuse to be so.
Protecting this sutra of innumerable meanings
as I would protect the Buddha nature,
the benefits and blessings of an infinite amount
of meditative retreats is now the property
of the newly formed Bodhisattva Nation.
                               Emptinessofmind.blogspot.ca by
                               (Awake to Buddhahood)  

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