22 January, 2013

Getting Out Of The Corners Of The Self by Julian Colgan

Boxed into a corner with the rest
of forgotten humanity,
the self, which is a hollow illusion,
takes up much space within one's mind.
Neatly categorizing every phenomena
into a reduceable object of inquiry,
the self does much to work
against its own undoing.
Emerging from the void,
non-emergence is better than re-emergence.
When emerging from something,
it is believed that something
is being left behind for good.
When staying in a state of non-emergence,
everything that the void has consumed
abides in the infinity of space.
The self, which is a product
of the causal chains of nature,
is the result of this re-emergence
into formed conceptions of formed realities.
The difference between being formed
and formless is the difference that exists
between perceiving the self
as being either full of something
or empty of everything.
No self is a characteristic of enlightenment
only because the deluded mistakingly 
believe that there is a gap
between being full and being empty.
Infinite in consciousness and omnipotent
 in wisdom, morality and compassion,
the great seal of liberation
is nothing other than a supremely lucid mind.
Shifting from a formed state to a formless one
in a matter of seconds,
every thought about reality loses itself
in the immanent immensity
of the void of primordial being.
Getting out of the corners of the self,
the self is every corner of space
until there is no more space to conquer.
Dismissing buddhahood,
which is ultimately another impermanent identity
to latch onto, there is no need to take on
another type of self when formlessness
is paramount to freedom from extremes.
Observing a rippleless ocean in full action,
every extreme which manifests as another identity
is silenced by the magnitude of something
that transcends every faculty of divine contemplation.
As smooth as an unblinking sky,
the self crystallizes into a formed entity
when focused on and evaporates
like a fading star when the mind
abides in the formlessness of nature's ways.
Self or no self; the choice is yours.
One brings pain; the other brings bliss.
Blissfully formless,
the limitless forms of existence
peacefully slumber under the night's sky,
bringing a type of neutrality to all
who traverse Mara's deadly path.
Not having to be submissive to any
traditional notion of selfhood or buddhahood,
be who you are when you are who you are.
Rising from one's lotus position,
the buddha is ready to surmount
his past attainments in order to realize
the emptiness of all strivings and attainments.
Lifting a finger, perfection naturally unfolds.
by Julian Colgan (Copyright)
Awake to Buddhahood

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