11 June, 2013

Living With Eyes Wide Awake by Julian Colgan

Living with eyes wide awake,
lifetimes of memories
flashes by
with the twinkling of an eye.
Hoping for a moment of relief
from samsara's incessant turnings,
everything is as it was
when one first took birth
in the wheels of time.
Having the eyes to see
the dire situation
of all those who are heading towards
the gates of death,
re-fortify one's resolve
to liberate all sentient beings
from the nescience of mindlessness.

Living with eyes wide awake,
stomach one's need to be needy
of external forms of happiness.
If one's own Buddha Nature
cannot give one what one is
searching for,
then nothing in this world of suffering
will relieve one of that perpetual itch.
Taking what is real
to be an imagined fantasy
of the mind,
look for what is unreal within oneself.

By thoroughly investigating
the plethora of images
that one takes to be oneself,
drain out the drops of reality
that are left over
by the residue of impermanence.

Living with eyes wide awake,
live as the Accomplished live.
Being overwhelmed by no one
but oneself,
suffering is seen as the consequence
of allowing oneself
to be a poorly examined subject of inquiry.
Samsara is who one is when one is not who one is.
Nirvana is who one is when one is as the Accomplished are.
Ridding oneself of one's faulty selves,
be careful not to mistake samsara for nirvana
and nirvana for samsara.

Thinking as a Buddha would,
think no more.

Living with eyes wide awake,
the Originating Source
of one's successive re-births
lies in the perception of being re-born.
If there is no self,
then who or what
goes through the repetitive motions
of birth and decay?
Mistaking the twelve causal chains
of dependent origination
as entities in themselves,
close one's eyes
and find what can never be found.

Living with eyes wide awake,
spend each moment
of one's time
spending no time.
The clock ticks
because one thinks it has to tick.
In like manner,
one's mind revolves around
the phenomena of this world
only because one thinks that one is bound to suffering.
Taking no for an answer
to samsara's blinding influences,
bind oneself to one's Buddha Nature
as one passes by and interacts with
the fleeting events of the world's terror-stricken mind.
Equipped with the keys of the Dharma,
lawfully pronounce
one's freedom from who one has imagined
oneself to be throughout the cycles of samsara's existence.
As Empty as Infinite Space Itself,
live with Eyes Wide Awake.

by Julian Colgan (Copyright)
Awake to Buddhahood

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