28 February, 2014

Joy and wealth...

"If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here—your lifetime career—is to seek joy.
"As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who-you-really-are. And in doing so you will utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you."
Abraham (Esther Hicks)

Excerpted from the workshop: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008

(ED note: If you are interested in the concept of the Law of Attraction I strongly recommend that you research her considerable works - available on you tube free or buy her books - on what we refer to as the law of cause and effect. Her practical explanation of how to use positive ego to create positive realities has many links to psychology, schools of positive thinking and spiritual traditions.)