24 July, 2018

My character...

"First of all, your own character is the biggest supporter and downfall of your practice.
You need to know, you need to see, you need to measure, and you need to reflect on your own character.
Don’t become a jack of all trades and master of none.
Focus one pointedly on the path, the path can be simple, but learn to master it.
After all, how many minds do we have?
We only have one mind, and mastering it is called the path.

Secondly, be yourself.
By doing so, you are free of lies, free from untruths, and you become sincere.

Thirdly, be loyal.
There will be ups and downs with your practice.
There will be times when you want and do not want to practice.
Sometimes others will encourage you and, at times, discourage you from doing your practice.
No matter what the circumstances, do not ever discard your lama, your practice, and your sangha.
Just as we are born karmically to one set of parents, learn to stick.

Finally, you need to have an aspiration.
Aspirations based on dharma and sentient beings, based on yourself and others, and based on short term happiness and long term great bliss.

Sarva Mangalam,"

Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche