14 April, 2012

Encounter with Frollie the Frog

Yesterday I sat down in a quiet space, my faithful cat Fredrick (Freddy to his friends) lethargically gazing through the glass doors at the unreachable pigeons scratching and picking in the plants on my balcony. Everything was just perfect, from the mostly blue sky, brightish sun, the colourful chemtrails, to the creatively formed white cloud formations dotting it here and there.
I was on my spacious badly shred sofa and sat in the half lotus posture going very quiet. I breathed deeply several times and allowed myself to drift in the "in between place". A shapeless mist appeared before me growing denser. Gradually it began to transmute, becoming sharper and clearer: it was a large green football sized frog dressed in a lace collar with a light blue coat, a bright golf ball sized light orb around its head hovering on what looked like an inverted silver plate. And it was staring at me.
"Greetings " It said in impeccable English.
"Greetings" I replied hesitantly, a little overwhelmed by thoughts that found it hard to coalesce around a reasonable possibility ...."er..who are you may I ask?"
"I am Frollie the Frog". An awkward silence ensued as I stared at this polite but strange apparition.
"Nice to meet you", I matched the courtesy "ehm...why did you appear to me ?" My ground and mental state felt uncertain.
"You asked for me" It replied.
Another awkward moment as I struggled to remember when and why I would have called upon a frog. Perhaps it arrived at the wrong address.
"I know that you are confused creature, but did you not ask for inspiration from other dimensions just two days ago ?"
My goodness, this was a psychic frog. I felt distinctly uncomfortable and did not wish to be rude. I had indeed expressed that aspiration, but I was thinking more of you know; the Big Shining Winged Ones out there, not a frog dressed in lace with a blue blouse. But then again there was the case of Paul the psychic octopus not long ago and he/it was right on the mark most of the time.
Frollie croaked twice loudly...I could not tell whether it was angry, laughing or disapproving.
Its next words clarified it for me: "Look creature with two legs looking like a Krpthct "(I do not know what this means). " I know that you expected some hot shot with a glowing sash and silvery white wings, fair hair or a flowing beard" but all these Advanced ones are working 24/7 right now and they have asked for all available help...all their lines are busy. So I am all you got. Kjjetrk-rak!". (I do not know what this means either, perhaps it was a sneeze or a code).
"Would you like to talk to a Galactic Automated Service Centre instead ?" it offered briskly.
I cringed at this truly horrible thought and wandered if that too might have an American or British accent like those you find in Russia, Europe, China and India.
I hastily reassured It. "No, no I am very happy to talk to you, definitely".
Yet I had a dilemma: I had no clue what to ask It. I decided to warm up the atmosphere first, applying the winning technique of winning friends and influencing...beings.
"First off, may I know how to address you ? er... are you a he or she  Mr/Ms/Mrs....St. ?"
"You may call me Frollie or It is just fine too....it does not really matter, I am after all a frog and I don't have an ego" was the curt reply.
I was dealing with a psychic, judge Judy type creature, cut to the chase, all business, no frills except those around its neck.
I manifested my best, "reach out" with empathy facial expression to put us both at ease.
"So please tell me which planet are you from? Can you describe to me your world?"
Frollie blinked a few times. " I am of the Ranidae race and belong to the Anura great tribe and dwell near a great pond on your same planet on which are many lotuses and much water falls". It fell silent...its throat bobbing. "that is also due to the fact our Pond is on a golf course and the sprinklers go off twice a day".
 "And ? " I prompted, feeling a little deflated thinking about the many ordinary pond lands on our planet. I had been expecting this to be some divine pond land covered in gold, strewn with jewels and wild huge rainbow coloured glowing flowers gracing its spaces.
"That is it". Another croak. "that is all we need to know and have, nothing more and nothing less. We live in the now, floating and jumping from here to there and catching Aktxza (no clue !) to keep our energy going. What else do we need?"
"Indeed" I mused. This was not going anywhere. I decided to just get to the point.
"Well since you appeared to me in such a way what do you know about the great shift that is taking place? everyone seems to be getting messages about it".
"What shift ?"...
"You know the big consciousness shift, planetary changes, mass awakening of human kind??? the 3D/4D/5D and 2012 thing???"
I might have been sweating, I recall feeling rather damp: part of me magnetized by the phenomenon, part of me wishing to snap back to hold a pillow for solace.
Blink, blink...."Oh yes that, its keeping a lot of people busy, I can confirm this. Its chaos, orders everywhere everyone mobilizing, jammed telepathic channels, light ships gridlocked, the lot. Worse than using the internet in Tonga on a weekend".
"You have been to Tonga ?"
"No but others have."
"Are you not concerned about all the predicted major changes that are said to take place during this time ?"
Frollie lifted Its head and gazed intently into my eyes. "Why should I be concerned ? From our forefathers to our time we have been going through shifts forever. Our ponds are artificially created these days, or taken over by golf courses where we have to only worry about lousy golfer's swings. My uncle was taken out last week by a rogue ball. Roddy the Toad was swiped by a myopic colour blind golfer who mistook him for a golf ball a month ago. Cement and concrete are poured over water places all the time to produce houses, roads, rail tracks, shopping malls....we are always in the shift and on the move from the time that we were tadpoles. Now that is a shift for you". I could swear I detected a whiff of pride.
 "Was it painful ? I found myself asking with increasing curiosity.
" ....being hit by a golf club ?"
"No, growing from a tadpole into a frog".
"No it just happened as we were designed to. It was related by our forefathers that we were very stubborn many billions of pond lives ago. We wanted to enjoy and dwell in water and on land and in the end we got both from Creator. It was a good deal".
The pragmatic thinking process of this being was fascinating. "Don't you ever wish that you were human?".
It emitted a massive croak, began to wobble and gasp and flipped onto its side. It was obvious that my question was either amusing him or proving to be fatal...when the strange physiological displays quietened it flipped back on its fours: "Oh, that nearly killed me....who on earth would want to be human ? We don''t have to worry about food, nature provides what we need for free, we do not have to pay taxes, we don't have to have cars, gasoline, bank accounts. aaayy, those banks..." it moved its head side to side like a boxer..." the last thing we want is to be trapped in your illusions and habits. We live our life according to the natural laws that you creatures try to, have not and cannot conquer. When we shed our form we travel to the Great Golden Pond and there to the croaking chants of all as one, we gaze happily at the stars and serenade with love the moon which is always bright, not yellow like you see here on earth. Beautifully coloured and so very close". Its gaze wandered off to another time and space place as a membrane or three momentarily covered its eyes.
I was reassured: so there was a Golden Pond land after all: "Have you actually seen it, this great land?"
"Oh yes, I see it every time I think of it and in my dreams, all speak of it, it is always clear and bright, peaceful and joyful. No one paves us over, no golfing is allowed, no cars to splatter us, no cement. everything is just as it should be. And one day if we wish, we can decide to experience life as a bird or a fish, or any other form that we may want to experiment with. And we can also reach the state of no form when we become tired of producing forms and senses. Its easier for us than for you humans these days."
I bristled at this. This was contrary to everything I had been taught. "Why is it easier for you than for us ? We are way more intelligent and we can think".
It dawned on me that I might have sounded a little rude.
Frollie regarded me with great equanimity. "That is exactly why you are unable to evolve to new dimensions quickly. You think too much, you think that you are either too intelligent or too stupid, those of you who think you have great earthly power only manage to destroy even as you think that you are creating. Tell me, if your species is so gifted why is this planet in such a mess ?".
It had a point there and frankly, thinking about our current state of affairs, I had no answer. I admired the fact that this amphibian was clearer about things than I was.
It further dawned on me that I was not just beholding a clothed over sized frog floating on a dish. As I gazed into Its eyes I connected to the timeless wisdom of this simple, primitive and direct creature.
Any residue of discomfort  melted away.

"May I ask a question ? Why are you dressed like that and why are you so large?"
"They told me that you creatures like to see large beings in flowing robes, shining sashes and so on. All wardrobes and wings are sold out. This is all I could find. I would rather take it off, I feel ridiculous. I am just a spiritually evolved frog. As for my size this is the best I can manifest without looking like an obese puffer fish...there are limits".
"Yes of course, feel free, I understand you completely." His attire simply vanished, the orb remained bobbing about its head. " You have presented some good points. We have truly complicated our lives beyond belief. So no need to worry about the shift is what you are saying ?"
It stared at me with what I hoped was a froggily compassionate look. "If you can change something you want to change do so, if you cannot change it, why worry ? Just live and breathe and be in great peace. The past has gone and the future is not yet here. Be all that you are given, is all you need to do".
I lowered my eyes in respect staring at his webbed feet. It was so right but knowing myself also so difficult. I needed to learn how to be more frog like.
"Might I call on you again for further discussions ?" I asked hopefully. I really wanted to see this being again.
He paused and tilted his head. "If you wish to...we will see. I need to get back to tend to 30 tadpoles being looked after by my aunt".
I beamed at it gratefully and burst forth joyously :"OK love, light, sparkles and...fireflies". I was proud of my recently acquired light expressions.
He was about to spring into the Portal but paused and turned.
"What ??? What on earth does that mean ?
I was stumped. I thought it was a good one, but wishing not to end this magic on a misunderstanding I hastily added: "Well good bye and see you again soon Master Frollie, have a great jump !"
With that he leapt back and disappeared into the the mist that had rematerialized and I gradually came to, feeling quite refreshed and re-energized.

I got up, stretched, decided that tommorrow this needed to be told. I made my way to the keyboard and began to type: "Yesterday I sat down in a quiet space..."

ANU/RA-8/4/12-LGD ©

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