16 April, 2012

Second encounter with Frollie the Frog

It was very early morning. I knew that because I awoke with a groggy awareness that I should not yet be done sleeping, a fact confirmed through semi closed eyes by the darkness I perceived out the window. I happily allowed myself to drift back. Part of whichever function regulates the mystifying process of having one half of you awake while the other remains asleep was doing its thing again. And it was thus that Frollie the Frog reappeared through its mysterious Portal with the same quality of sharpness and clarity I had perceived in our first encounter.
I was delighted to see It again, on its upturned silver dish, the light orb pulsating gently above it.This time Frollie was dressed in a golden gown that shimmered and covered most of its body which was as in the first apparition, the size of a soccer ball.
“Hello there, so happy to see you” I said cheerfully. 
“KOROAKAKROAKK!!” came the reply. It was happy to see me. Or perhaps: saying hello !

“I see you are dressed again…I thought we had agreed that natural wear would be acceptable for all".
“Oh yes, however the great Keeper of the Laws is enforcing the dress code”.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of having you in my bedroom?” I enquired. I did not really care; I liked this Frog Being and would have been just as happy chatting about water lilies. It both captured and relaxed me in some way reawakening my forgotten child like curiosity.
“I came to introduce you to a friend of mine”. Behold ! A beautifully proportioned Dolphin appeared enveloped by and floating in a large circle of water - hovering about a metre in front of me without touching the ground. I stared astonished at this remarkable apparition.
“This is Delphi the dolphin” Frollie croaked.
“Like the famous  oracle in Greece?
“No, no, creature that is another one”, its webbed left foot twitched with momentary irritation. Or perhaps it was just my impression: “this great Being is named Delphi as in Delphinidae. That is his race but we call him Delphi for short… saves time and explanations”.
Of course, I should have known that Greece would have nothing to do with this scenario; however it was in bad enough shape to warrant the intervention of another Good Oracle assisting their Finance Ministry.
A strange uncategorized multi winged, large moth-like bug appeared briefly and unwisely before Frollie’s regal figure and predictably Its supersonic lashing tongue made it swiftly disappear into Its innards.
“I did not have breakfast!” came the placid reflection.
A series of rapid clicks and whistle sounds from the water orb drew me back to this creation.
“He said he is happy to be here and to meet you, Dolphins and humans are closer than you think.” Frollie interpreted.
I had more practical questions that needed to be addressed first. “Why is he in that big water bubble?”
This entity looked quite comfortable in the clear water sphere. Questions flooded in: was this where It lived, why were the water and its occupant not all over the floor, how was it all holding together defying gravity...
Frollie looked at me, head slightly skewed: “Have you ever seen a dolphin outside the water?  One that is alive OUTSIDE the water???”
I became defensive. “NO! So I suppose he travels like that right? Like his...”I fumbled..." like in his own travel capsule?” I felt a little hurt by this ruthless and unfair logic, after all I had never before seen a large sized clothed frog hovering on an upturned silver dish either. But I knew better than to argue and let it go...
Frollie nodded. Another series of great clicking sounds followed and my attention was drawn back to the sphere...Delphi  was ever so graceful and looked quite cheery as far as Dolphins in this kind of habitat go.The water within swirled around him as he accompanied his sounds with gentle movements of tail and fins.
“He wants you to know that there are billions of beings in the universe that have many forms. For every thought conception there is a corresponding vibration. With each vibration and powerful intention, form comes forth”. Further rapid clicking and some whistling sounds ensued. I was amazed that the Great Frog could communicate in Delphinidaese. Frollie turned to me sharply: “I speak all languages” .
 But of course. He had once again read my mind.
“He feels that you need to know this as you continue your search. There are worlds in many dimensions, time and places and they all look completely different as do their species. If you understand and accept this, then you will understand and be more open to the laws of consciousness and manifestation. Its either that or you should meditate which is the most direct method to understand all this, but there is as much chance of that happening as there is of you jogging.”
Good point. The thought of meditation was a hard prospect for me and my wandering mind.
Jogging would buckle my knees...I smiled inwardly. The prospects were good that I would not be doing either. I saw Frollie looking at me intently, his bulbous eyes blazing and at once I guiltily wiped out this thought. I did not want to get into a frog fight.
The bubble drifted closer to me, my senses so sharp that I could experience all the energy contained within it and I could feel it vibrating with my body. Two entities: one vibration!  I wanted to reach out and put my hand through the water and touch this beautiful being. Delphi seemed to sense this, his stare very direct and soulful. I was drawn to this field of energy; it was joyful, gentle and playful. But I also realized that I could not breach this dimensional barrier in any way. I felt the powerful presence of an invisible shield that would not permit this. As this thought ceased, instantly the bubble and Delphi disappeared, leaving me once again with my mentor hovering on his sliver dish.
“Master Frollie if I ever related to anyone what just happened, or even my dialogue with you, people would think that I was either insane or disrespectful...yet, this is what I saw!”. I stared at my toes feeling somewhat disconsolate.
“Oh,some will understand you, but why do you care? “The voice had become mellower and gentler. I stared at his eyes and felt once again his more compassionate dimension.“I do not know if I do or not”. I had to be truthful. How in heaven could I talk about what I had experienced and be taken seriously?
Frollie continued: “People look at form, not the essence. You must understand that. It does not matter what the form looks like, what counts is the substance. The ultimate truth is formless and pure all pervading loving energy. People naturally prefer forms they can relate to. Those that are more refined and subtle will see more forms that are pleasing and inspirational; those that are like you may see forms like mine”. The throat bobbed vigorously. "The fact that you see me at all, means you have something that is open.”
“So I created you?” I asked, momentarily uncertain of whether I was on the good end of this deal.
“Yes you did indirectly...you are not the only one. You see you beings tend to think that your thoughts and sorrows are unique to you. You become caught up in them. You concretize them and you see them as reality. Actually there is not one thought that you have that is uniquely yours. All thoughts exist across millions of species. They are embodied by different entities but they are actually one field. Your body and your label “ Rookie” or” Leo” give you a feeling of individual identity and separation. If you could only see thoughts written in the sky from across your worlds’ beings without any physical forms ... you would see they are ONE huge set of collective fragments and you would recognize so many of them as being yours...do you see now?”
I did indeed see. I remembered how I was stunned to discover earlier in my life so many people who thought and acted much as I did even as I considered myself to be special and different from everyone else...it was conceivable that what I held to be mine was actually an expression of feelings and attributes that were also being simultaneously created by countless others. Similarly when I thought that my occasional sorrow was only my burden I discovered so many others experiencing the same play out, for many even heavier to bear.
Before I had a chance to ask another question, Frollie became brisk again. “I must be off now," It said cheerily. “I did what I had to do. I need to give an opening address for my cousin’s new school of tadpoles that was spawned last week...I am the MC”.
“No wait! I mean please wait...There are so many questions I have. I am confused; I need to clarify Draconians, Reptoids and worm holes ....”
Frollie cut me short returning to his brisk demenour. “Yes, yes, I know that you are confused even without my psychic faculties” was the retort. “Your questions can wait until the next time, nothing is really urgent in this universe except for you humans”. And with a springy hop my beloved “Frollie on his dish” disappeared.
I fully awoke and sat up feeling a sense of awe that something great and wondrous was indeed afoot in this multiverse waiting to be rediscovered. What a voyage I had embarked upon.
I made my way to the balcony to breathe in some pre-gridlocked traffic, city air. Through the glass door a caterpillar had crawled and was headed purposefully into the lounge guided by an exceptionally poor sense of direction. I reached for the broom, intending to flick it out back onto the balcony. I paused, realizing the violent effect on this complex tiny furry multi legged confused being. Was I it and was it me? What thought patterns created this form ? So many times I had taken a road that was off centre, just like this crawler. 
Plus, I reflected, it could well appear to me at some point floating on a shining platinum leaf with a polka dot jumper and a halo; teaching me new things I did not know. I grabbed a paper napkin, carefully allowed it to crawl on and gently placed it on my best leafy plant.
You truly never know.
Del/FRO/2012/LGD ©

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