03 May, 2012

Symbols and US

The human mind expresses itself through symbols. In fact we produce images constantly projecting ourselves into past and future. When we think, we often recall images of our experiences and produce and recall fantasies of people, places, events.
When we are angry, we re-visualize over and over the event and details of what made us so.
It is difficult to argue that the mind does not use images to store, process and decode data. Symbols are as old as the first human’s attempt to capture a concept through a simple drawing. Symbols carry information either consciously or unconsciously.
They are tangible and do produce measurable effects on our being. For example images and symbols that are positive will trigger positive physiological responses. Likewise symbols that are very negative will trigger off sensations of fear, aversion and distress.
Unfortunately it is a fact that our minds tend to focus mostly on negative patterns.
If we were to examine our mind for about 10 minutes we would be able to establish that more of our thoughts are actually regressive: we worry about what we need to do, what we or someone else has said or done, we worry about the time, our job, our family, what is going on in the economy.
With such an overload of images that pulsate disturbed energy (each thought is energy) throughout our consciousness, it is little wonder that we experience many ailments the most obvious being stress related; anxiety and depression.
So is it possible to reprogram the mind to vibrate at higher and more beneficial frequencies ? Yes: I and many others believe that.
All healing and meditation masters have known this for millenia. The medical profession has also acknowledged the physiological response to a negative state of mind and its impact on our immune system and physical health.
There are two methods that I have used and that have brought great energy and benefit and I think its appropriate to share them on this site as it also relates to artistic symbolism.
The first method that has been used both in therapy and in creative work is that of visualization. I will briefly summarize this technique in the following steps:
1) Focus your mind on what you wish to achieve: either visualize a clear mental picture sitting quietly when your mind is still fresh, or you can create a ”vision board” if you find it easier. Both approaches work just as well. Use a bulletin/notice board and place the images or photos of what you desire.
This can be quite fun. We all have magazines lying around, so you can cut and pin those photos, pictures that reflect your wishes. If you are artistic you may also paint and draw.
Place the most important desire you have in the centre and then add the other wish lists images that are important to you.It is better to focus on the more important ones, putting hundreds of wishes on a board is a bit difficult to manage.
Remember the mind responds to intention so any symbol or image that represents what you wish will be effective. What do you wish to achieve: success? love? money ? (of course)…spiritual growth ?
2) Next feel very intensely what it feels like to have achieved that. Feel above all, the joy as if you have fulfilled this desire not just for your own motives but knowing that this will benefit others.
(If you are happy, healthy, wealthy it is easier for you to share that and its good to be around happy people right ?)
One important factor in ensuring the success of manifestation is to FEEL what you wish for as REAL.
3) Have faith and gratitude that you will receive this. Why ? The mind once set in motion towards a goal is wired so that all emotional, spiritual, psychological energies will set about creating those goals.
That is why people make aspirations and practice “thamboon”: and often get what they want. 
However abusing this for very selfish motives exhausts the good energies quickly and many are those that have made a fortune through luck and lost it. Use any gift you receive to further your highest purpose.
4) Once you have done this with great clarity let it go. Do not chase this impatiently waiting for it to happen. Let me give you a simple example: have you ever had an experience where you thought of someone you had not seen for a long time with feeling, forgot about it and then that person either called you or you ran into them somewhere ?
This is exactly the same process. The purer and clearer the intention, the easier and faster it will manifest.

5) Work to try to create as much positive energy in your mental continuum as you can. Every day offers you the chance to be of help and service to others and
build a store of positive energy in your mind stream.

The next method is to actually work with specific symbols that are meaningful for you and spend about 10 minutes or so contemplating and focusing on them undistractedly. Just observe the shapes, colours and textures. Choose the symbol that you wish to express your desire: more energy ?
More wisdom ? Success ? Strength ? Health ?

Observe the symbol quietly and let it be imprinted in your mind. When you have completed your brief meditation, feel that you have attained that quality, feel that the seed has been planted and just relax knowing that it will be so.
Asian symbolism and all the symbolism of ancient cultures possess great strength especially when these are present in the same culture. 
So for example the 8 auspicious symbols will be of meaning to different folks in India, China, Japan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan etc,. People from these cultures or those that feel a deep connection with them will often have these in their homes, cars, offices.
They act as a bridge between the rational world we have to live in and our more natural creative and spiritual qualities. Where these symbols carry the pure energy of the artist you can immediately sense the power through the colors,
structures, they seem alive and vibrant. In the same way that a good book inspires you with wisdom, art and symbols can do the same.
Sometimes you find you are very attracted  to a piece of artistic creation but do not know why.
So now its time to get to work: using either of the two approaches, surround yourself with the most positive images and let go slowly of all that does not help you to maintain a good energy flow.
Life is too short, the moment of our passing uncertain. Lets recreate our energy to be more part of the wondrous nature of this existence and world.
We are what we think and we create what we think. 
Lets make that truly unique while we have that chance.

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